河北省安平县是“中国丝网之乡”。每年一届的“中国安平国际丝网博览会”由中国国际贸易促进委员会,河北省人民政府等主办,是全球唯一的丝网专业展会。 2001年以来已连续成功举办了8届,被丝网界视为全球最重要的丝网及相关产品的交易平台。
Anping County(located in Hebei Province) is the hometown of China wire mesh. China Anping International Wire Mesh Fair, was sponsored by CCPIT, Hebei Provincial People's Government, etc. The fair was held only one time every year. It is the only Wire Mesh Professional exhibition in the world. China Anping International Wire Mesh Fair, held every year since 2001. We have already held 8 sessions successfully. It was considered the most important business platform for wire mesh and its related products.