宁波鄞州绿迪服饰制衣有限公司成立于2001年 Ningbo Ludi Clothing Co.,LtD.has a bright future in
12月6日,是一家颇具前景的以服装制造闻名的 manufacturing garments.She lies in “state of clothes”—
有限责任公司,地处素有“服装之邦”美誉的东 Ningbo.
公司现有厂房4860多平方,员工200多人,年 There are more than 4860 squars in area and 200 skilled
销售额超过3000万元。公司现拥有平车、绷缝车、 workers,annual sale excels 30000000. Advanced appliances
蒸汽发生器、CAD软件等先进设备一百五十多万 seaming mashines CAD softwares steamersect, we devote to
元。致力于针织服装、鞋帽、床上用品等的制造、 the manufature of knitting garments shoes caps and so on.
加工,产品远销欧美、日本等市场,深受推崇! Our producion are popular in the market of Europe、
2003年公司还通过了ISO9001质量认证,拥有进 Amercia、Japan ect in 2003, we successfully pass through the
出口自主权。广交海内外客商,进一步开拓产品市场。 Quality certification of ISO9001 and have authority of import
中国加入WTO后,为积极参加国际市场竞争, and export which win help us expand our production markets.
加速企业现代化进程,公司将策马扬鞭,以规范 After China coming into WTO,to participate in intermational
的管理体系,现代化的生产设备,灵活的经营机制, intemation actively and accelerte modernization course,our
真正让企业立于不败之地。 Company will use normative administration system,modern
公司以信誉、质量至上,竭诚欢迎海内外客商 and flexible management mechanism to get higher reputation
洽谈合作。 Our tenet is “manage moderately, be honest and keep faith,
“稳健经营,诚实守信,开拓创新”是我们的 exploit and innovate”
宗旨。让我们携手奋进,共创美好明天。 We will as always take the quality and customers as the first
and we will honestly cooperate with you.