德国托尼(TONI)阀门有限公司成立于1930年英戈尔施塔特(Ingolstadt),位于德国的多瑙河畔的一座富有传统和历史意义的工业城市。随着德国经济快速发展,由于德国能源短缺,政府在节能方面加大力度,因此(TONI Trouble Less Valve没有故障的阀门)公司成立。托尼阀门是以生产高品质、先进的阀门、测量及控制系统而享誉全球的跨国性生产企业,在全球几十个国家拥有子公司及分支机构,公司产品涉及用途:石油、化工、电力、冶金、制药、食品、水处理、市政给排水、天然气、造纸、电子工业、楼宇、机械设备配套等领域。
German Toni ( TONI ) valve limited company was founded in 1930, is located in Ingolstadt ( Ingolstadt ) German Danube a rich tradition and historic industrial city. With the rapid economic development, because of the German energy shortage, the government in the energy saving aspect, therefore ( TONI Trouble Less Valve no faulty valves ) founded. Toni valve is to produce high-quality, advanced valves, measurement and control system and world-renowned transnational enterprises, dozens of countries around the world have subsidiaries and branches, products involved: petroleum, chemical, electricity use, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, food, water treatment, municipal water supply and drainage, gas, paper, electronic industry, building, mechanical equipment and other fields.
德国托尼(TONI )阀门主要产品有:进口球阀、进口闸阀、进口电磁阀、进口针型阀、进口蝶阀、进口止回阀、进口截止阀、进口安全阀、进口调节阀、进口疏水阀、进口旋塞阀、进口隔膜阀、进口排气阀、进口呼吸阀、进口过滤器、进口阻火器、进口平衡阀、进口减压阀、进口角座阀、进口切断阀、进口高压阀门、进口气动阀门、进口电动阀门、进口蒸汽阀门等,进口阀门系列产品。
The German TONI valve main product includes: the ball valve, the gate valve, the solenoid valve,the needle valve,the butterfly valve,the check valve,the shut-off valve,the safety valve,the adjusting valve,the drain valve,the plug valve,the diaphragm valve,the exhaust valve,the breathing valve,the filter,the falme arrester,the angle valve,the balance valve,the pressure reducing valve,the block valve,the high pressure valve,the pneumatic valve,the mortorized valve,the steam valves,
ect., series import valve.