We are Shanghai Motex Healthcare Co., Ltd., part of Motex Group. We would like to give you a brief introduction about us. Motex Group was established in Taiwan in 1978 and expanded to Thailand in 1989 and Shanghai, China in 1997.
Our Shanghai plant’s main product, and our proud strength, is in the manufacturing of latex surgical gloves for medical use. For the past few years, we have undergone extensive research in the surgical glove and have already received numerous positive feedbacks from the market. Therefore, we are ready to offer you another line of competitive products!
1. Non-beaded Pre-Powdered Surgical Glove
2. Wet-Donning Powder-Free Surgical Glove
3. Microsurgery Powder-Free Surgical Glove
4. Orthopedics Powder-Free Surgical Glove
We wish to provide our services to you and hope to provide you with an extra competitive edge in your market!
Thank you very much for your time and we hope to hear from you soon!