兴丰塑胶联系杨先生手机 始建于1980年,专业生产塑料制品的综合性民营独资企业.现应北部湾及东盟发展需要在广西南宁设立“兴丰塑胶制品有限公司”,以仓储销售为基础服务创新为主导,为客户及时提供充足的资源以及策购方案! 公司拥有多台先进的大型注塑成型设备,技术力量雄厚.专业生产塑料托盘、塑料栈板、塑料垫板、塑料地台板、塑料卡板;料箱、塑料周转箱、塑料筐、食品箱、塑料盒、塑料桶、塑料周转箩、塑料筛、零件箱、零件盒、零件柜、零件整理柜、元件柜、耐酸碱桶等工业塑料产品.公司产品严格按照国家标准和企业标准生产,深受客户的欢迎和信赖,口碑载誉。生产的塑料系列产品**以及全国二十多个省市,省内南宁、柳州、桂林、北海、防城港、凭祥等地更深受广大客商的**,目前已成为国内塑料行业中的**公司。 以“质量为纲,信誉至上”为宗旨,欢迎广大客户来图、来样、来料加工或共同合作开发新产品,期待能成为您的忠实合作伙伴。 Shenzhenshixing Feng Plastic Co., Ltd. Hing Fung plastic contact Ms. Tseng, phone Established in 1980, is a professional manufacturer of plastic products, a comprehensive private-owned enterprise. Is to be the development needs of North Bay and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations set up in Nanning, Guangxi, "Hing Fung Plastic Products Co., Ltd." to warehouse Sales-based service innovation-led, in time for the customer to provide adequate resources and policy purchase programs! We have many advanced large-scale injection molding equipment, strong technical force. Specializing in the production of plastic pallets, plastic pallets, plastic pallets, plastic floor panels, plastic pallets; material containers, plastic containers, plastic baskets, food boxes, plastic boxes, plastic buckets, plastic turnover basket, plastic sieve, parts boxes, parts boxes, parts cabinets, cabinet finishing parts, components, cabinets, acid and other industrial plastic barrels. our products in strict accordance with national standards and enterprise standards for production, well appreciation and trust of customers, word of mouth fame. Production of plastic products sold and more than twenty provinces, the province, Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Beihai,