吴江市金诺通风减震设备厂坐落于经济腾飞的吴江汾湖经济开发区,是家专业设计制造产业机械**防振器材的公司,并以J.N.品牌营销全国,深受客户**。公司充分利用多年的设计,生产经验,对产品进行优化组合 ,力求品种齐全,质量穏定。企业自主具有完善的检测能力,根据用户的要求设计制造给排水,暖通方面特种结构的各类产品。“金诺“拥有强大生产力以及行业竞争力,工厂设有减振器制造部、波纹管产品制造部、橡胶产品制造部。减振产品通用于水泵、风机、冷水机组、柴油机等设备的基础减振以及各类风机盘管,新风机组、风管等吊装减振。波纹管产品及橡胶产品通用于自来水、电力、钢铁、石油、化工、造纸、印刷等行业.
Wujiang City Jinnuo ventilation damping plant is located in the economic takeoff of the Wujiang Fenhu Economic Development Zone, home of professional design and manufacture of industrial machinery for the anti-vibration equipment company, and JN brand marketing the country, praised by customers. Companies take full advantage of years of design, production experience, to optimize the product mix, to the full range, quality Wen set. Enterprises with strong self-detection capabilities, according to the user's requirements to the drainage design and manufacturing, HVAC special structure in a range of products. GM in vertical, horizontal pumps, fans, chillers, diesel engine, punch, of the bed, anechoic chamber, and so on the basis of vibration and a variety of fan-coil, the new wind unit, VAV boxes, axial fans, Francis fan, Hoisting of the wind, such as vibration.
Jinnuo company all my colleagues uphold the "practical, innovative, services, growth," the concept after years of efforts, both in the group of operation, system management, product of martial law, production technology and production equipment, and so are the growth of full-progress, JN Products of good quality, well-trusted by customers, in this fast million in the operating environment, JN all my colleagues to have more pulse of the times for self-expectations, the company operating Ji-yong as the goal, to not afraid of failure of spirit, work together to create The cause of a better future.