公司始创于一九九三年三月,初起致力于生产电脑周边连接插座与各种电脑连接线。于一九九四年八月公司正式改组成立金易昌国际开发有限公司,以生产手机周边连接插头与连接线为主,电脑周边连接线为辅,积极投入通讯市场产品的开发和制造,因业务量的快速成长,在一九九六年九月进入中国大陆(深圳)投资设立金易昌实业(深圳)有限公司,经过历年的苦心经营与整合,目前生产重心已转移至大陆金易昌实业(深圳)有限公司,此一来更能提供优质服务于广大的客户,本公司定当秉承 诚信、积极、创新、服务 的经营理念,继续开发高品质的产品为客户贡献心力。
质量方针:高瞻遠矚 技術領航 推陳出新 持續改善
环境方针:立足法规 降耗增效 着眼绿色 持续提升
Company founded in Mar.1993(Taipei),specializing in producing computer connector and computer cable of all type inetially.In Aug.1994,company was riorganized officially and founded LBT International development Linited,give priority to manufacturing mobile phone plug and connecting cable.By the way,deal with computer cable.Make all effort to develop and manufacture communication products.For the business taking off,in Sep.1996,founded LARGE BIRD TELECOM(shenzhen) Co.,Ltd in Shenzhen China.At present,all of operation and manufacture transferred to LARGE BIRD TELECOM(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd through elaboration and conformity of many years.So we press close to Marketing better and provide knight service to extended customer.
Our company should take the management ideology "Sincere,Active,Lnnovation,Service"continue to develop high quality product and serve customer heart and sou!