经销ST.PHL.TOS.SANYO.等进出电子零件,机顶盒,数码相机,DVD,VCD ,音响,液晶显示器,汽车音响配套IC等等,
ST,TOS,MIT,PHL,ESS,SANYO,SAMSUNG,NEC,JRC,NS,FAIRLAND,MOTO,SUNPLUS......,至今已发展成为国内最大的家电IC经销商之一,同时积极拓展海外市场,产品远销印度,伊拉克,美国,摩洛哥,埃及等几十个国家.本公司专业代理、经销世界各名牌DIP、SMD IC(含国产)、二三极管等一系列家用电器元件。公司自创办已来,始终孜孜不倦地追求,坚持以“信誉为本,质量第一”为公司宗旨,凭着广阔的进货渠道、充足的货源,在同行业中树立了良好的口碑,得到了广大新老客户的支持与信赖.在以后的发展壮大的过程中,我们将继续以最实惠的价格、最优良的品质来回报广大新老客户对我们一如既往的支持与信任!
ST.PHL.TOS.SANYO being sold. Till the electronic accessory , machine getting in and out are equivalent to the box , digital camera , DVD , VCD , audio , LCD display, automobile audio supporting IC and so on, ST , TOS , MIT , PHL , ESS , SANYO , SAMSUNG , NEC , JRC , NS , FAIRLAND , MOTO , SUNPLUS..... ,Already have developed so far becoming one of maximal home appliance of in the homeland IC dealer, at the same time active Tuo stretches overseas market , the product keeps away from pin India , Iraq , USA , Morocco, several tens the country such as Egypt. Every famous brand DIP , SMD IC (nurse the world our company special field being acted for , being sold domestic), two audion after a series of domestic appliances component. Self has established "credit is this for insisting that a company already coming to run after all the time assiduous and never tired assiduously ,quality first " has been company purpose , has set up fine public praise depending on the vast purchase of merchandise channel , sufficient source of goods, in same industry, we will continue to repay extensive old and new customer coming the most substantial price , the best quality in having got support of extensive old and new customer and having trusted process expanding in development of hereafter, to our support being just as before and trust! By cash buys every manufacturer stock IC
长期收购OEM厂“电子库存滞料”!(深圳市科航达电子有限公司)库存收购部,中国电子二级市场库存经营最具实力企业之一.拥有:通讯、微处理器、存储、功率电源、音响视频、电晶体等半导体方面销售的专业团队\另大量求购电子元器件,电脑配件,存储器,单片机,蓝牙IC、鼠标IC、MP3/MP4 IC、摄像头IC、机顶盒IC,液晶电视ICD,手机IC,蓝牙芯片,蓝牙模块,我们恭候并期待与各界同仁共商发展。服务热线:(赵先生)