“昂”(SUBARU)牌多头电脑植绒绣花机是由日本技术人员通过多年努力较终开发成功的一种具有特殊针法的新型绣花机,在中国已申请到了**(**号:ZL2003 2 0108667.0),它形成的针迹立体感较强,具有深动地表现力,是一款具有广阔前景的特种电脑绣花机。多头植绒机在日本完成设计,关键零部件在日本加工,由中日两国工程师在中国完成组装,属世界**。
型号: STEM-N10(680*400)
重量: 1500KG
长*宽*高: 5300*1830*1860
功率: 220V50Hz1.5kWsingle-phase
噪音: 80分贝 编号: 1010
SUBARU multi-head TUFT special computerized embroidering machine, which has already been patented in China (Patent number:ZL2003 2 0108667.0).Besides, it’s have deeply performance strength because of its Stereoscopic effect in stitches . It was invented by Japanese engineers in Japan .The design of the multi-head TUFT is proposed in Japan ,so as the key spare part .Except those ,the assembles is completed in china by Chinese and Japanese. Now ,it’s the world initiative. Without a doubt,it will receive a good develepment in future .
Model: STEM-N10(680*400)
Weight: 1500KG
L*W*H: 5300*1830*1860
Model: STEM-N10(680*400)
Weight: 1500KG
L*W*H: 5300*1830*1860
Power: 220V50Hz1.5kWsingle-phase
Noise: 80dB No: 1010