中国河北(深圳)森达筛网滤布有限公司总部,位于享有“中国筛网之乡”美誉的河北省安平县,我公司成立于1995年,经过十余年的艰苦创业,已发展成集生产、销售一条龙服务的专业化大型贸易公司,主要产品有:筛网.GF特耐膜.过滤网.环氧树脂网.铝合金窗纱网.钛丝网,防护网.电焊网、碰网,包胶网,勾花网,隔离网,音箱网,喇叭网,微孔网,菱形网,六角网,石笼网,钢格板,不锈钢304 316装饰网,镀锌网,土工隔栅网,不锈钢网、钢丝网,铁丝网,铜丝网,编织网,滤布,窗纱、钢板网、轧花网、勾花网,尼龙网、塑料平网.空调网.冲孔网、造纸网、输送带、护栏网、防盗网、刀片刺网、喇叭网、高尔夫球网、快易收口网、土工布,无纺布,及镀锌铁丝、工艺丝、绑扎丝等各种特殊异型网及丝网深加工、产品广泛用于:石油、化工、机械、建筑、环保、水产,养殖,堤防、印刷、铁路和公路护栏等工业部门和科研领域。
The Chinese Hebei (Shenzhen) the woods reach the net to filter the cloth limited company headquarters, is located enjoys “township of the Chinese strainer” fine reputation Hebei Anping County, our company had been established in 1995, passes through ten remaining years of life to start an undertaking difficultly, has developed the Chengji to produce, to sell the start-to-finish service the specialty large-scale trading company, the product main product includes: The ectrowelding net, the stainless steel mesh, the window screening, the steel (aluminum) the board net, embroiders the net, the nylon net, the punch holes net, the papermaking network, the conveyor belt net, the guard rail net, the security net, the bit gill-net, the loudspeaker gill-net, the golf net, quick easy to heal the net, the earthwork cloth and the galvanized wire, the craft silk, binds the silk and so on each kind of special far different shape network and the silk screen washes the processing, the product widely uses in: Industry sectors and