公司简介 江门市华特五金电器制品有限公司创建于2000年,是一家集开发、生产装饰类五金的现代型企业。主要产品有:不锈钢及铜的合页、拉手、卫浴五金等产品。公司厂房位于广东省珠江三角洲—江门市滘头工业区内,占地面积1500平方米,毗邻港、澳,交通十分便利。现有员工300人左右。公司由初期来料加工型发展成为现在集开发、设计、加工、生产及销售于一体的企业。拥有先进的生产设备,引进国外先进生产技术和管理经验,技术力量雄厚,具有较强的产品创新能力。产品现已**东南亚、港澳台、日本、欧洲及美加等国家,深受客户**。本企业秉承“以质量求生存,信誉促发展”为经营宗旨;“为客户制造华丽满意的优质产品,为客户提供特别周全的服务”,已成为华特人的企业精神。 竭成欢迎新老客户来厂参观指导,共谋合作。 主营产品或服务: 销售:拉手/门铰/门锁/家私拉;
China HAUT Hardware & Electric Appliance Product Co., Ltd., founded in 2000, is a medium scale company, specializing in developing and manufacturing decorative hardware and household electric appliances.
It is located in Tangxia Industry Zone, Jiangmen City, next to Hong Kong and Macao, and takes just about one hour by car to Guangzhou. The transportation is very convenient. HAUT dominates two subsidiaries, HAUT Hardware Factory and HAUT Electric Appliance Factory, which respectively cover 5000 square meters and 3000 square meters. The employees are more than 500. “Keep improving and work with perseverance “is the spirit of Haut-man, which has rapidly promoted the HAUT from a small workshop to a modern company that concentrates developing, manufacturing and selling. We have advanced manufacturing and testing equipments, and also zealously bring in new technology and management experience to develop new products and make progress. For many years fired by and strives continuously towards, we have been excellent in producing both decorative hardware and household electric appliance products now. And we have earned a good reputation from our customers with our comprehensive service. We are able to supply high quality products range to discerning buyers from the countries of Southeast of Asia, Middle East, South Africa, Europe, USA, and Canada etc.
We sincerely welcome friends from home and abroad to visit HAUT and establish good relationship.