斯耐美浴室柜、橱柜系列产品是我公司为提高家居生活的质量和品味而采用国际先进的卫浴空间设计理念设计和生产出的家居系列产品。柜身主体**釆用从意大利引进的先进技术和设备生产出来的U-PVC微发泡板材、实木为原材料,柜表以喷、烤漆技术饰面,显得光彩夺目,高雅动人,是一种具备****级防水、阻燃、防腐、无毒等功能的绿色环保产品。产品设计,实惠耐用,外观典雅大方,**家居文化潮流,荟萃了家居装饰工艺精华,乃家居生活中难得的精品! 斯耐美浴室柜系列产品可广泛应用于(宾馆)和家庭中的卫生间的装饰和装修。欢迎来图来样订做! SINOMERRY BATHROOM CABINET SERIES
Sinomerry Residential Bathroom Cabinet products are designed and produced by using internationally advanced space utilization design concepts, for the purpose of improving the quality of life at home. Sinomerry U-PVC is produced with state-of-the-art technology and equipment imported from Italy and is used for ** of the main body and surface of the cabinet. The dazzling, polished surface is obtain through an environmentally friendly baking procedure and is non-toxic and flame retardant with superior water proofing and corrosion resistance. The products are inexpensive, useful and durable, with a novel design and an elegant finish. With a culmination of leading decoration and finishing arts, they are the essence of residential life. Sinomerry bathroom cabinet series can be widely used in decoration and finishing in hotels and household bathrooms. (OEM)
Benefits: ** Waterproof, flame-retardant, corrosion, acid and alkali resistant, mothproof, non-toxic, lightweight and a long service life.
Human oriented Sinomerry brings you advanced technology in a bathroom cabinet for healthy living every day!