本产品具有挥发性快,防锈效果好的特点。产品附带少,比一般的重油型防锈油更省成本。挥发后产品表面无明显油迹。外观仍能保持干燥清爽。对后续的使用可以免清洗,可直接装配使用。 此为英文版不锈钢钝化液产品资料,有兴趣的朋友如果看不懂请查看本网站中文版 KaiMeng brand volatile antirust oil TR206 Product features: This product has the characteristics of fast volatility and good anti rust effect. The product is less expensive than the general heavy oil antirust oil. No obvious oil stain on the surface of the product after volatilization. The appearance can still keep dry and refreshing. The subsequent use can be free of cleaning and can be directly assembled and used. Function: it is a volatile and can be directly assembled and used. Effective rust prevention for more than 6 months. Suitable materials: suitable for long term rust prevention of silicon steel and ordinary steel. The advantages of Kay brand volatile antirust oil are: 1 excellent moisture and heat resistance and overlap resistance. A transparent, compact, strong adhesion and good anti-rust soft oil film is formed after the volatilization of the oil, which keeps the metal color and effectively resists corrosion. 2 the product has good permeability and wide application area. It can penetrate into the seams which are hard to penetrate through ordinary rust preventive oil. 3 the oil film formed will not harden, peel and crack, and has good water displacement ability. It can effectively resist chemical erosion such as oxygen and water in the sky. 4 it is easy to operate and can be directly soaked. The workpiece processed by this product is free of washing and can be directly assembled and used. Usage method: This product can be sprayed, soaked and painted at room temperature. Only ensure that the metal surface is evenly covered with oil film. Put the finished product directly into the product and soak 1~3min, put it on and drain it for 30s~1min. And then naturally evaporate for more than 15 minutes in the natural environment. After the volatilization is completed, the package can be sealed. When using, pay attention to the oil must be completely immersed in the workpiece and a certain height. For details, please consult Mr. Cai, Kay Meng, and all the staff of Kay League. We look forward to your call and consultation. We will provide you with samples, samples and technical support free of charge. 此为英文版不锈钢钝化液产品资料,有兴趣的朋友如果看不懂请查看本网站中文版 详细资料请咨询凯盟业务员蔡先生,凯盟全体人员期待您的来电与咨询!我们将免费为您提供试样、供样、以及相关技术支持!互利双赢是我们共同的宗旨!