TEXACO HDAX 9300 SAE 40 德士古优质高性能燃气发动机油HDAX 9300 SAE 40
Premium performance gas engine oil
Product description
HDAX® 9300 SAE 40 is a premium performance medium ash dispersant/detergent type gas engine oil, specifically designed to offer protection to gas engines running on natural gas under heavily loaded conditions.
HDAX 9300 SAE 40 offers robust protection against corrosion, harmful deposit and sludge formation, and promotes protection against engine wear and scuffing, helping optimise engine service life.
HDAX 9300 SAE 40 is formulated with premium base oils which contain extremely low levels of sulphur, nitrogen and aromatics, combined with a premium additive package containing ashless dispersants, oxidation inhibitors, metallic detergents and a metallic anti-wear agent.
Customer benefits
• Designed to protect engines running on natural gas, operating under heavily loaded conditions, including the most modern steel piston engines with BMEP ≥22 bar
• Oxidation/nitration resistance with base number retention offers extended drain, and compatible with very low oil feed rate engines
• Dispersant/detergent formulation with oxidation/nitration resistance helps minimise oil thickening, sludge formation and filter plugging
• Promotes piston deposit control, and protection from cylinder liner scuffing and abrasive wear, offering longer engine service life
• Formulated to optimise ash level for reliable valve recession control and to help prevent potential preignition
• Low phosphorus additive design allows use with catalyst systems
HDAX 9300 SAE 40 is designed for use in high output, low emission four-stroke engines running on natural gas. It has a medium ash level, which is preferred in high Brake Mean Effective Pressure engines with steel pistons (BMEP greater or equal to 22 bar).
The optimised ash level helps provide protection against valve recession, while reducing the formation of ash deposits in the combustion chamber which could lead to pre-ignition.
The combination of base number retention and oxidation/nitration resistance offers extended drain capability - even in applications where the oil feed rate is deliberately kept low, placing extra stresses on the lubricant.
HDAX 9300 helps prevent sludge formation on cylinder liners, which could interfere with oil flow and lead to higher oil consumption.
HDAX 9300 is formulated to control carbonaceous deposits on pistons, helping improve piston ring operation and scuffing protection to cylinder liners.
(HDAX 9300 is intended for use with fuels containing low levels of sulphur and Chloro-Fluoro-Carbons (CFC). In sour gas/high CFC applications, use a lubricant designed for that purpose – for example, HDAX 9500 SAE 40.)
Product highlights
• Designed for heavy loads, in modern steel piston engines with BMEP ≥ 22 bar
• Offers extended drain in very low oil feed rate engines
• Helps minimise oil thickening and filter plugging
• Promotes longer engine service life
• Formulated to prevent potential pre-ignition
• Allows use with catalyst systems Selected specification standards include: Bergen Engines Jenbacher
Approvals, performance and recommendations Approvals
• Bergen Engines All engine types, natural gas operation[2]
• Jenbacher TA 1000-1108, Fuel Class A [1] - Type 9 (all versions)
• Jenbacher TA 1000-1109, Fuel Class A [1] for the following engine types and versions: - Type 2 and 3
- Type 3 (versions F)
- Type 4 (version C and E)
- Type 6 (versions C and E)
- Type 6 (versions F and J)
- Type 6 (versions G, H and K)
[1] Natural gas, associated petroleum gas, mine gas, biogas (sulphur <200 mg/10 kWh). [2] Engine types K-G1, K-G2, K-G3, K-G4, C26:33, B35:40, B36:45
Typical test data
Test Test Methods Results
Viscosity Grade 40
Density, 15°C, kg/l ASTM D4052 0.880
Kinematic viscosity, 40°C, mm2 /s ASTM D445 124
Kinematic viscosity, 100°C, mm2 /s ASTM D445 13.5
Viscosity Index ASTM D445 104
Pour Point, °C ASTM D5950 -33
Flash Point, COC, °C ASTM D92 270
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g ASTM D2896 6.2
Sulphated Ash, %wt ASTM D874 0.70
The information given in the typical data does not constitute a specification but is an indication based on current production and can be affected by allowable production tolerances. The right to make modifications is reserved. This supersedes all previous editions and information contained in them.