时间:2021-06-28 09:31:46 点击:89
降低胆固醇树脂医用离子交换树脂 Premium Pharmaceutical Grade Resin Tulsion? 412 is "Cholestyramine resin USP". It is highly purified crosslinked polyacrylic copolymer in Chloride form. Tulsion? 412 (Cholestyramine resin USP) is uesd informulations for bile acid reduction, and cholesterol reduction blood. In very selective applications, Tulsion? 412 (CHL) (Cholestyramine resin USP) is also used for making sustained release formulations. This product is manufactured under GMP at an FDA approved, ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001 certified facility. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS:Tulsion 412CHL(Cholestyramine resin USP) Type : Strong Acid Anion exchange resin Matrix structure : Cross linked polystyrene copolymer Functional group : Quaternary Ammonium Appearance : Buff to white powder Ionic form : Chloride(Cl-) Total exchange capacity : 1.8 -1.2 meq/gm on dried basis Loss on drying (approx) : 12 % max. Particle size ASTM mesh : +100=5% max. -100=Balance Heavy metals : Less than 20 ppm Residue on ignition : maximum 0.1% Solubility : Insoluble in water TESTING: Tulsion? 412 (Cholestyramine resin USP) is analyzed as per the monograph of "Cholestyramine resin USP" PACKING: HDPE Carbouy 25 Kg HDPE Carbouy 6 Kg For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These data are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are as per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on own processing equipment. 我公司做污水提标处理材料(树脂、滤料): 电镀废水除重金属铜镍铅锌钴(出水表四); 生活污水除磷酸盐; 垃圾渗滤液除氨氮、硝酸盐 ; 地下水除铁锰(不用曝气); 锅炉水防结垢滤料(重复使用); 高盐废水饮用水除氟树脂 ; 矿泉水地下水除硝酸盐、除砷; PVC氯碱行业除Hg树脂和滤料; 金属回收(金银铂钯铑铱); 酸洗废水酸回收(H2SO4,盐酸); 酚类大分子等回收**树脂; **纯水制备抛光树脂(出水18.2兆)等 各种特种树脂,滤料。 技术优势 科海思作为行业技术推行者,2011年与美国Thermax集团(Tulsimer)、德国Watch集团合作成为其中国区总代理,将“特种离子交换树脂”引进国内,基于国情进行工艺创新,添补行业空缺,完成技术升级。在推广实践中,倡导“环保治理价值化”新理念,运用国际先进技术在治理的同时进行废物资源回收利用,将企业环保建设从单纯投入转为开源投资。 降低胆固醇树脂医用离子交换树脂 公司简介 科海思(北京)科技有限公司成立于2010年,致力于环保技术革新,围绕企业在废水处理、资源回收、净水处理、废气处理、危废处理、工艺缺陷等环境治理过程中成本高、难度大、稳定性差的现状,为企业提供更高效、可持续、高回报的解决方案。