时间:2021-03-17 09:27:21 点击:210
专业的食品类货物进口清关服务如:红酒/饮料等一些有机食品。 我司长期在国内沿海各大口岸进行食品进口申报,对每个口岸的申报流程和监管程度都有定期的信息交流和总结,对于有些口岸流程繁琐,监管阻滞进口通关的弊端,我们将筛选最便捷的口岸推荐客户,同事我司可提供在保税区为客户进行专业的中文标签加贴以及增值服务,能有效减少通关成本。 Professional import customs clearance service for food products such as wine/beverage and some organic food. Our long-term food import declaration in the major domestic coastal ports, for each port declaration process and regulation and has regular exchange of information and summary, for some port process trival, regulatory blocks the disadvantages of import customs clearance, we will be screening the most convenient port to recommend customers, colleagues, we can offer the free trade zone for clients professional Chinese label paste respectively and value-added services, can effectively reduce the cost of customs clearance