时间:2019-07-05 03:28:00 点击:77
2017年9月6-7日东莞市天赛塑胶机械有限公司携带低压注塑设备和澳大利亚合作夥样参加在墨尔本举办的电子设计与装配展。 本次展会,东莞天赛展示了最低压注塑设备和最新的低压注塑运技术,现场向专业观众讲解了低压注塑技术的运用及优势, 对低压注塑产品良好的防水性做了现场演示和测试. 通过展示,各电子厂商认识到精密、对压力敏感、防水等级要求高的电子产品采用低压注塑工艺取代传统封装工艺(如高压注塑、灌胶工艺等)可以提高产品的稳定性,满足更高的产品要求。降低产品的综合生产成本。 Sept, 6th-7th, 2017 Melbourne Electronics Design&Assembly Expo. LPMS and Australia distributor Tarapath demonstrated the low pressure molding technology and showed the advantages for low pressure molding. We tested the molded samples water-proof function. Proved than the low pressure molding is better than high pressure molding or potting for pressure sensitive, water-proof required and precise electronic products molding. Low pressure molding improves products stability and reduce the production comprehensive cost.