时间:2006-10-09 12:00:00 点击:130
成型时间的设定 Molding time setting 在保证产品质量的前提下,周期时间是越短越好,周期时间又包括如下几项:射胶时间,保压时间,熔胶时间,冷却时间,**出时间,锁模低压时间,甚至乎关系到时间因素的还有还开模与锁模,及**出的快慢. Cycle time should shorter on condition that product quality well. Cycle time includes: injection time , holding pressure time, plastic time, cure time, knocking out time and mold protect time. Even mold opening closing sopeed and knocking out speed affect cycle. 1.射胶时间包含保压时间,一般看起来,射胶时间越长,产品越饱和,但我们在讲求质量时,同时也须考虑产能,更何况,射胶时间过长,有可能会造成产品过于饱满而寻致粘模**的变形呎寸偏大等一系列问题,故我们在设置射胶时间时应综合考虑,尽量在合乎质量要求时缩短射胶时间. Injection time consists holding pressure time. Longer injection time, fuller product, we should consider production quantity when we suit for quality. If injection time too long, it may cause a series of defects suck as flash strain. So all sorts of factors should be considered, injection time should be shout if quality suit for requirement. 2.熔胶时间的长短取决于熔胶速度设定的快慢,背压设定的大小,但有一点,熔胶时间控制的长短一定要比冷却时间短. Plastic time depends on plastic speed and screw back pressure, but plastic time must shorter than cure time. 3.冷却时间:冷却时间的长短直接影响到成型的周期,冷却时间越长,成型时间就越长,造成产能就越低,故我们在设定高压冷却时间时,只要能保证到产品成型顺利,不会直接影响到变形等问题,设定的时间也是越短越好. Cure time: Cure time affects molding cycle. Longer cure time, longer molding cycle, lower production quantity. So it sets cure time short on condition that product molding succed and can’t deformation.. 4.在大量使用机械手的塑胶公司,我们的**出时间一般是与机械手配合为宜,全自动使用机械手时**出停留时间一般保持1.5-2秒,半自动生产,如因顶针退回会导致产品掉落或卡紧,而取不下产品,停留时间则应保持5秒左右. In PCE company, for using manipulator in abundence , knocking out time suits manipulator, Knocking out delay keeps 1.5-2 second when using manipulator full-manipulator, knocking out delay keeps about 5 second when using manipulator semi-manipulator and product will fall or can’t be taken off if ejector back. 5.低压保护时间对保护我们人身安全,模具安全起很大作用,配合好模具低压位置和低压压力的调整,低压保护的时间应取1-3秒,保护时间越短,可能造成的危害则越小. Low-pressure protect is very important for safety and protect mold, Mold protect time should adjust within 1-3 second suit low pressure and position of mold protect, shorter protect time, make damaged.