时间:2006-10-09 12:00:00 点击:129
二.熔胶段工艺 Plastic Technique 1.再复杂的熔胶旋转过程最多不会超过三段,因为熔胶本身就是存在于把胶熔进料筒的过程,如果原料粘度大,熔胶压力则大,但速度则应取决于原料的分解温度,熔胶速度越快,原料中的剪切力则会越大,料管温度则越高,局部原料产生分解的可能性则会越大,故一般熔胶会采用中速为宜,如45%-75%,熔胶同时会碰到一个比较重要的环节,那就是背压的使用,产品精度要求越大,背压的使用则更大,背压可使原料分子间结构更紧密,成型出的产品则尺寸更稳定,外观越好.当然,背压太大,则会产生流涎,所以背压的使用又应考虙到其它原因. Plastic should lower 3 steps, because plastic is a step to add melt resin material to cyclinder , Higher stick of resin material ,higher screw back pressure. Screw speed differs depending on decomposing temperature of resin material ,Higher screw speed ,Higher trim force of resin, higher cyclinder temperature. Some resin material may decomposes so it set screw speed in mid-speed such as 45-75%, In plastic step setting screw back pressure is very important, Higher screw back pressure ,higher quality of product screw back pressure make resin structure order, Molding product is beautiful and volume stable. But ,it maybe flow if screw back pressure too high . So all factors should be considered when using screw back pressure. 2.熔胶过程还有一个比较重要的环节,那就是松退,松退分前松退和后松退,其作用一般是为了防止流涎和抽丝,设定值速度和压力都在20%-50%间,设定的行程一般在2-5cm间,太长的行程可能会使料筒里面贮存空气,导致下一模出现不期望的气泡. In plastic step sucking back is very important too. Sucking back include front sucking back and back sucking back It setting sucking back to prevent flow and line. It sets sucking back speed and pressure within 20-50% and distance within 2-5cm. TOO long distance make cyclinder reserve air and cause bubble at next molding. 顶出的工艺设定 knocking out technique setting 产品经冷却定型后则有一个开模的过程,开模基本上是合模的反过程.开模的未段则有一个慢速设置,开模完成后,产品必须顶出的过程. There is a mold opening step after product cooling taking shape. Mold opening is a reverse step of mold closing. The last step of mold opening speed set slow. Product should be knocked out after mold opened. 一.顶前: Knocking out 顶前最好分两个阶级,第一阶可分为中压慢速,即是把产品轻轻顶出一部分,然后是中压中速顶,中压中速一般指的是35%-55%,而低速则有可能低到5%,这需视产品不同而言,顶出行程设定是顶出长度稍比产品垂直深度大1-2cm即可. Knocking out includes two steps, Step1 section setting mid-speed, knocks product out partly step2 section setting mid-pressure and mid-speed . Depending on different product, mid-pressure and mid-speed sets within 35-55% but low-speed can set 5%. Distance of knocking out longer 1-2cm than the vertical thickness of product. 二.退针 Back 顶退包括两个过程与顶落的过程基本一致,顶退的终点应预留1-3cm的空间,以保护顶针油管不被顶坏. The same as knocking out, ejector back includes 2 steps. To protect the ejector oil jar, it should make a 1-3mm distance in the ending point of ejector back. 三.顶针方式还包括一个多次顶,单次顶及顶针停留的选择,机械手取产品,脱模顺利的情况都采取多项,为了顶针油缸 寿命的延长,多次顶就以不超过三次为宜,顶针停留一般用在顶针带着产品退回有可能对增品产生损伤的模具,同时为配合机械手使用,有时也需要较短的顶针停留. The way of knocking out includes knocking out once, Knocking out repeat and ejector delay. Take product by manipulator or take product easy, it should select knocking out once. To longer the work time of ejector oiljar, times of knocking out lower 3 times. Ejector delay used when product will be damaged if ejector back or suit manipulator.