时间:2013-01-08 12:00:00 点击:147
河北绿洲环保设备有限公司目的:产物质量**、信誉至上的准则,以新的机制、新的起点、持续致力于环境工程、耐高温布袋除尘器设备的研讨和开发,努力提高本身本质,增强市场竞争力,在环保职业中始终保持良好地位 。司理携整体职工真挚等待与您携手协作,为我国环保工作做出更大的奉献,为咱们夸姣的明日斗争! 较近有许多网友问咱们耐高温布袋除尘器的功能特色,今日咱们就给我们解说一下,期望对我们有所协助: 高温布袋除尘器其次是辅佐选用喷水雾、或泡沫除尘。直接喷雾一方面能够使粉尘颗粒潮湿后,彼此粘接、凝集、长大,然后就容易于大气别离;另一方面关于温度比较高的烟气,直接喷雾完成蒸腾冷却就能够用少数水使烟气冷却,体积缩短,速度下降也有利于除尘。曩昔的教科书、描绘手册都说喷雾除尘只合适处置50m以上的粉尘,除尘功率只要40-70%。实践经验证明,因为喷雾技能的前进,经过喷雾体系能够去掉10m以上的粉尘挨近**、1m以上的粉尘也能去掉90-95%。比方中心包翻包、钢渣处置选用喷雾除尘都实践达到了90-95%的高除尘功率。 High temperature cloth sack dust remover followed by adjuvant using water fog, dust or foam. Spray directly on one hand can make dust wetting, mutual adhesion, cohesion, grow up, and then easily in air separation; on the other hand, the relatively high temperature of flue gas, direct spray evaporative cooling can be achieved with a small amount of water to the cooling of the flue gas, volume contraction, reduced speed is also conducive to dust. In the past, the textbook design manuals say spray dust is only suitable for processing more than 50m dust, dust removal efficiency of only 40-70%. Experience has shown that in practice, as a result of spray technology, through spray system can remove the dust above 10m is close to **, more than 1m dust can also remove 90-95%. For example, the middle bag turn-over, steel slag treatment using spray dust are actually reached the 90-95% high efficiency of dust removal. 本文章来自河北绿洲环保设备有限公司,咱们是专业出产除尘器,高温布袋除尘器的厂家,我公司有着一批专业的技术人员,出产出来的除尘器质量适当的不错,因而获得了许多客户的**,纷繁前来订货,欢迎新老客户前来征询。