时间:2006-08-05 12:00:00 点击:122
在这个世界上的产品中,品牌是一种认别标志。是代表公司和公司产品的符号。特别的品牌引起一种情感反应,可以把消费者与产品拉近或远离一个产品。 品牌成了情感的代表。品牌携带者情感,情感反映指导我们靠近或远离一个产品。打造情感化品牌就是要建立商品与用户之间的情感联系,就是要建立品牌或产品长期的价值。 For products in the world, brand is an identity and a symbol of one company and its products. Special brand always bring an emotional response that shorten or lengthen the distance between consumers and products. Brands become the deputy of emotion. Brands bring with emotion, response from which tell us to approach one product or leave it .Creation the emotion brand is to build the emotional connection between products and client that is building up a long-term value of brands and products.