关 键 词:草球
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Herb Basics泰国皇家Spa纯天然养生能源按摩球系列 Herb Basics眼部能源按摩球 能滋养眼皮,去浮肿,驱皱纹,缓解眼部疲劳,帮助消除黑眼圈,杀菌去痒,防眼疾病;结合相关按摩可帮助去除眼皮角质,更加彻底地卸去眼部妆容;有助于保健眼部,保持年轻状态,让眼部更加光彩有活力。 Herb Basics’ Royal Compress Ball for Eyes Nourish your eyelids and help get rid of edema, relieve your tired eyes or relieve panda eyes, sterilizing and relieve itch, help protect your eyes from disease; Combining with relative massage, the ball can help get rid of horniness on the eyelids, and drastically remove stage makeup and costume, good for eyes’ health, good for maintaining youth and make your eyes more vivid and shining. Herb Basics美容能源按摩球 滋深养颜,活肤滋润,补充脸部肌肤营养,修复脸部老化肌肤,改善脸部亚健康,驱除哑黄,防斑,防皱、促进美白;结合相关按摩可帮助祛除脸部角质,可以更好地帮助卸妆,祛除毛孔污垢;使用本能源球可以保健脸部,并使脸部肌肤焕发美丽年轻的光彩。 Herb Basics’ Royal Compress Ball for Face This ball contains 20kinds of different Thai royal plants to deeply nourish your face, make your skin vivid and moist, make up the alimentation for your Skin, to repair the old and dead skin, improve the healthy condition, lustrate primary color on your face, use it also to defend the speckle and crinkle, it helps whiten your face; Combining with the relative massage, the ball can effectively help get rid of the horniness, can remove stage makeup and costume and even the dirty in the pore, it’s good for health, good for maintaining youth and make your face look younger and healthier. Herb Basics头部能源按摩球 减压,缓解(偏)头痛、头重脚轻现象,放松头部,有效促进脑部血液循环使脑部补充足够的氧分;对去头屑、头发营养有一定的帮助;此头部能源球亦可以调节头皮湿气和头皮营养; Herb Basics’ Royal Compress Ball for Head Decompress your head, relieve headache and dizzy head, it helps effectively blood circulation of the head further to help it absorbs enough oxygen; From some degree, it helps get rid of scurf and makes up some nutrition for the hair. This ball can also regulate the moisture of the head skin. Herb Basics背部能源按摩球 减压,防止中风,缓解肌肉酸痛、颈椎痛,松缓涨痛,有助于消化功能,可以解止神经性头疼;可以消除背部肌肤存在的细菌,调节肌肤表层湿气,改善亚健康状态。 Herb Basics’ Royal Compress Ball for Back Decompress your back, prevent the apoplexy, relieve the muscle ache, the neck vertebra ache and swelling ache, it helps digestion function. For the back skin, it can remove the bad bacteria and regulate the moisture on the surface. The ball helps you keep healthy. Herb Basics脚部能源按摩球 放松、驱除脚部疲劳,缓解脚部反射的压力,特别对长期穿高跟鞋、长时间走路的脚有很好的功效,体现在防止脚部静脉曲张,防止脚部损劳;可以帮助去掉脚部湿气、臭味;促进脚部血液循环;结合相关按摩可以帮助祛除脚部死皮、角质。 Herb Basics’ Royal Compress Balls for Feet To relax your tired feet, decompress your feet, the compress ball is especially good for those feet which are suffered by high heel shoes or walking for long, it might reveals from varicosity and pain of feet. Moreover, this ball can help get rid of the extra moisture on feet and the odor; it promotes the circulation of feet also. Combining relative massage can help get rid of the horniness and dead skin on your feet. Herb Basics泰国皇室养生足浴茶系列 Herb Basics’ Thai Royal Healthy Bath Tea for Feet 1. 驱除疲劳 驱除脚部疲劳,放松、减缓由鞋子或步行等带来的足部压力,防止脚部静脉曲张,帮助脚部去湿气,协助排体毒,改善亚健康。 1. To Relax your Tired Feet Getting rid of the tire of your feet, decompress your tired feet from high heel shoes or long-time walk, prevent the varicosity and help to get rid of the extra moisture, This bath tea for your feet can also help your body vent more body toxin and keep healthy. 2.温脚 温暖脚部,针对会因血脉不顺畅而冻脚、凉脚的人们,特别是在冬天会凉脚的人们,帮助脚部去湿气,协助排体毒,改善亚健康。 2. To Warm your Cold Feet To Warm your cold feet and get rid of the extra moisture, for those who are not in good condition, this bath tea can help you to vent the body toxin and keep you healthy. 3.脚部祛臭 驱除脚臭,臭脚味,有效缓解香港脚,帮助脚部去湿气,协助排体毒,改善亚健康。 3. To Relieve Foot Odor This Bath tea would lustrate your feet odor, it can effectively relieve athlete’s feet, help get rid of extra moisture and vent the body toxin in order to keep healthy. 4.促进血液循环 促进足部以至全身的血液循环,帮助脚部去湿气,协助排体毒,改善亚健康。 4.To Increase Circulation This Bath tea would help body circulation, during the feet bath, you might perspire a lot, this means that your blood is on circulation and some body toxin are vented out. Focus on your feet again, the bath tea would also help regulate your feet’s moisture and help vent the toxin out of your body, it’ll keep you in good condition. Herb Basics泰国皇室精油澡茶系列 Herb Basics’ Thai Royal Essential Oil Bath Tea 1. 泰国皇室姜精油澡茶 泡姜浴时,活血,补气,促进血液循环,改善睡眠 1. Thai Royal Ginger essential oil Bath Tea In the Thai Ginger Bath, your blood is circulating vividly, you would feel the welcome of oxygen, it helps you sleep well. 2. 泰国皇室绿茶精油澡茶 泡绿茶浴时,清爽柔肤,缓解压抑,改善烦躁心情 2. Thai Royal Green Tea essential oil Bath Tea In the Green Tea Bath, you would feel the cleanlily of your skin, with thin aroma, it would relieve your oppression and amend your mood. 3. 泰国皇室柠檬草精油澡茶 泡柠檬草浴时,清怡净肤,放松心态,回归大自然 3. Thai Royal Lemon Grass essential oil Bath Tea In the Lemon Grass Bath, you would feel joy and cleanlily, it helps you relax and make you in the nature. 4. 泰国皇室酸橙精油澡茶 泡酸橙浴时,身体有害细菌不见了,提神助气,放松筋骨 4. Thai Royal Kaffir Lime essential oil Bath Tea In the Lime Bath, the harmful bacteria on your body will disappear, it will refresh yourself and relax your bones and muscles. 5. 泰国皇室薄荷精油澡茶 泡薄荷澡茶时,放松身体,养神醒脑,平和心情,宁静致远 5. Thai Royal Peppermint essential oil Bath Tea In the Peppermint Bath, your body is relaxed, your brain is clean and peaceful, you would get the placid mood and your mind would go smoothly further. 6. 泰国皇室什锦香草集精油澡茶 泡泰国香草集澡茶时,犹如置身泰国,浓情净化心灵,健康长寿。 6. Thai Royal Mixed Herb Bath Tea In the Thai Mixed Herb Bath, you would forget where you are but only think of Thailand, the strong Thai feeling would cleanse your soul and keep you healthy and long live. Herb Basics泰国皇家百草集养生热敷袋 驱除疲劳,减压,可松筋解骨,舒筋活血,缓解身体筋骨酸痛、肌肉酸痛、腰酸背痛,缓解风湿症、关节炎、颈椎炎、肩椎炎,缓解胃寒疼痛,缓解月经疼痛,改善冷子宫状态,改善睡眠,驱除亚健康,养生长寿。 Herb Basics’ Thai Royal Mixed Plants’ Heat Pack To get rid of your tire, decompress you, relieve your muscles and bones, help blood circulate, it help get rid of ache on your body, help relieve rheumatic, neck inflammation, gout, arthritis shoulder inflammation, period ache, it amend the cold-uterus situation, improve your sleeping, keep you in good condition and long live. ADS泰国皇家经典Spa套装 1.Tom Yum 套装 主导身体肌肤的年轻化保养,健康美丽 2.泰国传统凉性Spa套装 主导身体肌肉与神经,针对肌肉酸痛与神经衰弱 3.泰国传统温性Spa套装 主导身体筋骨,针对筋骨酸痛、风湿症、痛风与关节炎 ADS Thai Royal Sutra Spa Set 1. Tom Yum Set Mainly target the skin of your body, to keep your skin healthy and fair. 2. Thai Traditional Cooling Spa Set Mainly target your muscle and nerve, to get rid of your muscle ache and neurasthenic. 3. Thai Traditional Warming Spa Set Mainly target your bones, to relieve your bone and muscle’s ache, rheumatic, gout and arthritis. 泰国能量身体按摩油 1. 排毒养生油 TO GET RID OF BODY PORSION 2. 轻松减压油 RELAXING 3. 提神醒脑油 ENERGIZING 4. 清净平和油 PEACE OF MIND 5. 浪漫调情油 ROMANTIC SENSUAL FEELING 泰国精选单方精油 1. 茶树植物纯精油 净化皮肤、消除水痘、皰疹、伤口化脓、疣、疮、灼伤、晒伤;最佳面皰皮肤治疗剂;改善癣、香港脚、头皮屑;最佳抗生素、抗感冒、抗菌、抗病毒剂、可治疗性病;增强免疫力;抗真菌及生殖器感染、搔痒;驱虫及跳蚤;头脑清新、恢复活力、抗沮丧 2.泰国白檀精油(最高贵精油、贵族之选;可加ADS按摩温/凉油) 【心灵疗效】抗老化、抗抑郁、安定情绪、有助冥想 【身体疗效】消炎杀菌、舒缓肌肉紧张、防止静脉曲张、促进淋巴循环 【皮肤疗效】抗皱纹、抗敏感、退红肿、抗皮肤发炎、调理干燥皮肤、延缓皮肤老化 3.雪松精油 是能量与情绪的平衡,能改善粉刺、秃顶、头皮屑,软化角质,肤质是内油外干的,可将外层角质软化,以利油脂排出。亦能消除紧张情绪,放松精神压力,有助于冥想 4.泰国MAY CHANG精油 【心灵疗效】 是很好的抗忧郁剂,非常振奋精神,可营造出一种阳光普照的精神感受 【身体疗效】 呼吸系统(薰香):具有抗菌的作用,具有扩张支气管功能,可改善支气管炎和气喘。 消化系统(按摩):可舒解胀气及反胃的感觉,还可以开胃。 内分泌系统(按摩):具有促进乳汁分泌的作用,又可改善鹅口疮 循环系统(按摩):具有增强心脏、预防心脏疾病之功能。 【皮肤疗效】May Chang主要用于保养皮肤,在许多的护肤产品中都有添加,不会引起过敏,杀菌力又强,但必须注意用量,最好是低剂量使用,以免刺激皮肤。它有紧实和收敛的特性,可在油性皮肤和油性发质上,发挥平衡的作用。对于痤疮和一般的斑点也有效果。由于不具光敏感性,可作为佛手柑精油的良好替代品