产品数量:不限 个
关 键 词:粉碎机
行 业:
型号 MODEL 马达功率 KW 转速 MIN 进口料尺寸 MM 粉碎刀具尺寸 MM 粉碎能力 KG 外部尺寸 MM 重量 KG YTD-20M 1.5 240 210x170 208xφ170 40x80 450x600x950 150 YTD-30M 2.2 240 210x170 208xφ170 50-100 450x600x950 160 YTD-50M 3.7 240 230x200 218xφ200 150-200 640x900x1100 290 1、马达附有过负荷保护装置,并有电源连锁保护系统,操作,清洗绝对安全。 The motor is provided with safeguard of over-load and chain safeguard system of power,so it is very sary safe when operation and purify. 2、入料斗、粉碎刀具、筛网均可轻易拆卸,清洗方便。 Easy-disassembly dsign make the door for material incoming .cutter and breaker filler disassemble very easy. 3、设计独特,马力最小,效率却佳,并备有双层消音设备,噪音低。 The design is unique ,the power is the smallest ,but the efficiency is the highest ,and it is provided with Double-silencer ,so the noise is very small. 4、进料斗不锈钢设计,方便清洗。 Enter the raw material the staincess ,venverievt deaning. 5、采用双速马达,寿命长,噪音低。 It adopts moto which speed change viaturbo , so it is durable and low-noise. 6、自动回收系统和粉末分离系统,能保证回收料的最佳效果。 The automatic recovery system separate the system with powder ,can guarantee to recover the best resuct of the raw material.