微硅粉(学名“硅灰”,Micro Silica 或Silica Fume),系在冶炼硅铁和工业硅时,通过烟道排出的硅蒸汽氧化后,经特别设计的收尘器收集得到的无定形、粉末状的二氧化硅。微硅粉粒平均粒径在0.1-0.15um,为水泥平均粒径的几百分之一。比表面积为15-27㎡/g, 具有极强的表面活性。微硅粉作为一种新原料,其广泛应用于工程建设、耐火材料和混凝土中。微硅粉产品分为加密和不加密,主要化学成分是SIO2, 其含量可达85-95%, 其他元素包括Fe2O3, AI2O3, CaO, K2O, MO, C等。 This product comprises microscopic particles collected by filters downstream from the smelting process in silicon and ferrosilicon plants. Adding it to concrete and other materials, increases their density and wear resistance, which extends the life of structures. Micro Silica stands’ average diameter is between 0.1um and 0.15um. Its specific surface area is between 15㎡/g and 27㎡/g, which have superpower surfactivity. It finds a wide range of applications in project construction, Refractories, and high-strength concrete. Our product is classified densitied and undensitied Micro Silica, its main chemical ingredient is SIO2 (85~95%), including also Fe2O3, AI2O3, CaO, K2O, MO, C, etc.