Ready/Busy status is indicated using bit 7 of the status register. If bit 7 is a 1, then the device is not busy and is ready to accept the next command. If bit 7 is a 0, then the device is in a busy state. The user can continuously poll bit 7 of the status register by stopping SCK at a low level once bit 7 has been output. The status of bit 7 will continue to be output on the SO pin, and once the device is no longer busy, the state of SO will change from 0 to 1. There are eight operations which can cause the device to be in a busy state: Main Memory Page to Buffer Transfer, Main Memory Page to Buffer Compare, Buffer to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase, Buffer to Main Memory Page Program without Built-in Erase, Page Erase, Block Erase, Main Memory Page Program, and Auto Page Rewrite. Successive page programming operations without doing a page erase are not recommended. In other words, changing bytes within a page from a “1” to a “0” during multiple page programming operations without erasing that page is not recommended.
Buffer to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase Data written into either buffer 1 or buffer 2 can be programmed into the main memory. To start the operation, an 8-bit opcode, 83H for buffer 1 or 86H for buffer 2, must be followed by the four reserved bits, 11 address bits (PA10 - PA0) that specify the page in the main memory to be written, and nine additional don’t care bits. When a low-to-high transition occurs on the CS pin, the part will first erase the selected page in main memory to all 1s and then program the data stored in the buffer into the specified page in the main memory. place in a maximum time of tP. During this time, the status register will indicate that the part is
out Built-in Erase command to be utilized to reduce programming times when writing large amounts of data to the device. To perform a Block Erase, an opcode of 50H must be loaded into the device, followed by four reserved bits, eight address bits (PA10 - PA3), and 12 don’t care bits.
Data can be shifted in from the SI pin into either buffer 1 or buffer 2. To load data into either buffer, an 8-bit opcode, 84H for buffer 1 or 87H for buffer 2, must be followed by 15 don’t care bits and nine address bits (BFA8 - BFA0). The nine address bits specify the first byte in the buffer to be written. The data is entered following the address bits. If the end of the data buffer is reached, the device will wrap around back to the beginning of the buffer. Data will continue to be loaded into the buffer until a low-to-high transition is detected on the CS pin. Additional Commands Main Memory Page to Buffer Transfer A page of data can be transferred from the main memory to either buffer 1 or buffer 2. To start the operation, an 8-bit opcode, 53H for buffer 1 and 55H for buffer 2, must be followed by the four reserved bits, 11 address bits (PA10 - PA0) which specify the page in main memory that is to be transferred, and nine don’t care bits. The CS pin must be low while toggling the SCK pin to load the opcode, the address bits, and the don’t care bits from the SI pin. The transfer of the page of data from the main memory to the buffer will begin when the CS pin transitions from a low to a high state. During the transfer of a page of data (tXFR), the status register can be read to determine whether the transfer has been completed or not.