产品规格:metal, ceramic
产品数量:5000 个
包装说明:Bubble Bag, Foam, Plastic Zip Bag, Box
关 键 词:定制式固定义齿,活动功能矫正器,义齿生产工厂
深圳市美牙牙义齿加工厂成立于2000年,坐落于中国深圳,是一家集设计、生产、销售于一体的义齿加工制作公司。本公司主要面向中高端市场,为临床医生提供优质的服务,以“敬业、职业、专业”为服务原则,选用德国、美国、日本等义齿制作先进国家的修复材料,长期聘请具有丰富经验的国内外高级技师制作,精益求精, 钻研创新,以追求卓越的品质为本, 力求做到零缺陷的生产,为客户提供超越期望的价值,从而成为国内、外牙医信赖的合作伙伴。 公司现有员工200多人,拥有国内一流的生产设备,主要产品包括: 各类修复义齿,擅长制作Cercon、Procera、Lava、Sirona等氧化锆全瓷修复体,尤其是美容修复类义齿,如铸瓷全冠以及贴面修复体,完美、精确制作各类精密附件、种植牙,各类活动矫正器等系列产品。 公司坚持用企业文化提升企业核心竞争力,使企业在发展中树立起良好的社会形象。公司不仅提供专业的义齿加工制作服务,同时还建立了售后服务体系,为企业发展中遇到问题和困难提供指导和帮助。坚信在广大客户的鼎力支持和全体员工的共同努力下,美牙牙的明天会更美好! BEGO钴铬合金烤瓷 产品名称:定制式固定义齿 产品型号:XLM-GA 规格:BEGO钴铬合金烤瓷 产品说明: “性能结构”主要依靠冠与基牙的磨擦力、约束力和粘结力达到与自生牙接近的功能。磨擦力主要依靠牙体预备时各轴面之间的相互平行,固位与预备后的牙面紧密接触产生摩擦力。摩擦力的大小与牙体预备的轴面平行度、接触的紧密程度、接触面积有密切关系。约束力依靠设计沟、针道、盒形等辅助固位形,使其符合固位和抗力要求,当义齿受外力时,固位体有足够支持而保持稳定。固位体固位作用的大小与牙体预备是否符合抗力与固位形要求有关。 粘结力主要依靠粘结剂封闭固位体组织面与牙面间产生的机械锁结和化学粘结作用,起到阻止固位体的移位作用。其粘结力的大小与接触面积、接触的密合度、粘结的操作技术等有关。因此固定桥的固位主要依靠上述三种固位力的协同作用,使修复体与各基牙之间形成一个牢固的整体。 “适用范围”定制式固定义齿适用于牙体形态和功能修复。 “禁忌症”恒牙因尚未发育完全者、牙髓腔宽大者、牙体过小、患者严重深覆合、基牙松动或根部有病理性改变、牙根吸收严重、牙周病较严重者禁用。 特点: (1)、有较高的韧性,不易崩瓷; (2)、有效保护牙龈、增强牙齿抗腐能力; (3)、采用不含镍不含铍的钴铬合金+VITA瓷粉制作而成。 MYY is a leading High-technology manufacturer and supplier, which faces Dental Laboratories and Dental Clinics and specializes in the production of high- quality dental products & dental devices for dental labs & dental clinics. Shenzhen MYY Dental Lab Co. Ltd. have been building long-term partnerships with dentists of dental hospitals and clinics around the world for several years. Our team of highly trained, experienced, efficient and united technicians and business is dedicated to providing the high-quality and excellent service to maximize patients' satisfaction. Our laboratory provides experts of following products: PFM (porcelain fused to metal crown), full metal crowns, Zirconium, IPS/E-MAX, Captek, Alumina, Telescope, Precision attachment, various Implants, acrylic denture, valplast denture, casting partial denture and many kinds of dental devices and materials. Our company focuses on product development to ensure that we provide our customers with high-quality and innovative products. We adopt advanced technology equipment and high-quality materials imported from overseas market and use strict quality inspection system and special technology to ensure the reliability of product quality. You will get everything you need at affordable prices. We always adhere to the purpose of "quality first, service-oriented, integrity". We can satisfy customers with quality and cheap products. We sincerely hope to cooperate with friends in oral health services to bring together development and a happier future. Product/Service : denture teeth,Dental Pfm Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns and Bridges Supplies, Dental Fixed Restoration Zirconia Crown and Bridge, Dental full ceramic emax Crown, Dental zirconia PFM porcelain crown, Dental zircon PFM porcelain crown supply, Dental Empress full ceramic Crown Supply, Dental acrylic removable partial denture, Dental removable CCP Metal Framework Supply, All Ceramic Zirconia Dental Crown/Zirkon Crown