产品规格:metal, ceramic
产品数量:5000 个
包装说明:Bubble Bag, Foam, Plastic Zip Bag, Box
关 键 词:纯钛钢托,纯钛烤瓷牙,二氧化锆全瓷,钴铬合,金烤瓷牙,进口塑钢,烤瓷牙加工,深圳义齿加工厂,中国香港假牙加工厂,义齿加工
深圳美牙牙义齿加工厂 公司成立于2000年,专业义齿定制加工生产、销售、产品研发于一体的综合性企业。公司拥有一支精良、专业的技术队伍,拥有客户数百家。引进欧美、日本等先进国家及地区的设备和原材料,引用国际较先进的拉瓦、泽康、威兰德、VITA等世界*专业美齿修复技术;氧化锆全瓷牙、氧化铝全瓷牙铸瓷全瓷牙、钴铬合金烤瓷、钛合金烤瓷牙、镍铬合金烤瓷、精密附件、种植修复体、正畸功能性矫正等一系列高档精密的口腔修复体。 我们配备了专业的管理人员,精通各类义齿制作的技师,为客户提供完善的服务。公司员工都具备有良好的资历,从专业院校经过专业培训。公司依靠科学化管理,层层把关质量监控程序,精湛的技术使得产品在全国各地口腔界赢得了良好的口碑,得到了医生及患者的肯定。 以其精良的品质,优越的服务赢得了广大客户的认可。业务拓展范围逐年扩大,现已与诸多大型医院、门诊建立了长期友好合作关系。相信美牙牙的明天会更好! 本着“质量至上、诚信为本"的原则,不断提高技术水平,完善服务机制,长期坚持“质量在心中,标准在脑中,工艺在手中"的管理经营理念,遵循“诚实守信,精益求精,勇于创新"的服务宗旨,严格把控每道工序的质量关,全力生产出百姓信赖的产品。 MYY is a full-service dental lab in Shenzhen, China, manufacturing, and marketing zirconia crowns and bridges, veneers, PFMs, E-max crowns, dental implants, precision attachment cases, orthodontics, full and partial dentures, flexible partials, frameworks, and so on... Since 2009 in ShenZhen China, Robust has grown into a highly professional dental supplier, with ** of our work being exported overseas, mainly to developed countries. Having a 2,000-square-meter workshop and the capacity of processing 10,000 dental cases each month, we are able to provide same care for overseas dental labs and independent dentists... Robust has always been providing fixed and removable restorations, as well as orthodontics. In order to better serve our customers, we also supply dental accessories such as analogs, standard and custom abutments, transfers and attachments. With the help of advancing technologies, we now can keep exploring and expanding new products.