PR4-恒温加热型PTC热敏电阻器 产品特点: PTC发热体具有恒温的特点,不需要温度控制系统。 With the characteristic of constant temperature, the PTC heater does not need the temperature-controlling system. 若PTC发热体用来加热冷风,不送风时,PTC发热体不会损坏。 If the PTC heater is used to heat the cold wind, it will not be destroyed when the wind is stopped. 当PTC发热体用来加热液体(如水)时,液体烧干后,PTC发热体不会损坏,具有长期的电热稳定性,通电不会发红,着火,不耗氧,无火灾危险。 If the PTC heater is used to heat the liquid (eg: water), it will not be destroyed when the liquid is burnt to be dry. 对电压波动不敏感,使用电压范围宽 Not sensitive to voltage fluctuating, and wide range of operating voltage 失效后自动恢复 Restore automatically after invalidation 典型应用 空气加热,暖风机,冷暖空调 air-heating, wind-warming equipment, cold and warm air-conditioner. 物理**,按摩器械,生物加热 physical treatment, massage apparatus, biology heating. 驱蚊器,开水器,加热板,干鞋器,卷发器 mosquito-driving apparatus, boiled-water equipment ,heating board, shoe-drying apparatus ,hair-curling equipment.