名称: 欧式立弯圆弧窗 系列: 欧式塑钢门窗 功能特点: 欧式立弯窗,通过特殊的加工设备,可配合不同客户的不同建筑洞口要求任意定制各种款式的门窗。具有较开阔的视野,并具备非常好的采光效果和视觉舒适效果。多锁点及优质密封胶条,密封、防水、隔音,安全可靠,独特的排水系统设计,防止风吹造成雨水和灰尘的进入。 Name: standing curved arc window (European style) Range: UPVC windows&doors specification: The standing curved arc window (European style),manufactured with special process equipments, Can tailor according to the different style of the different building style and the customer''s doors and windows entrance to cave the doors and windows of various style Match with the friction pintle of the stainless steel. Have the more spacious visual field, and have very comfortable result of the light and sense of visions. Superior quality seals, waterproof, sound insulation and safe. The special catchment’s system design, keeps breeze from blow to result in rainwater and dusts enter.