广东PIAB派亚博 FCF35真空吸盘 金属板材搬运吸盘 FCF-P吸盘 产品特点 FCF-P吸盘专为平坦和略凸的油质表面而设计,如冲压生产线中常见的金属板材搬运。吸盘带有支撑夹板,可有效防止工件变形。这种DURAFLEX®吸盘采用专门研制的无痕材料制成,将橡胶的弹性和聚氨酯的耐磨性完美地结合在一起。 功能 1、Special designed friction cups for oily surfaces, such as sheets in metal forming processes. 2、Normal wear on friction cup will not affect the long term shear force performance. 3、Best choice if > 0.1g/m2 press oil is used on the sheet. 4、Thanks to the strong grip on oily surfaces, the suction cups can withstand high shear forces, typically 2–4 times more than corresponding conventional suction cups. 5、The "FCF" design is suitable for slightly domed and flat surfaces, e.g., such as those encountered when handling metal sheets in press lines. 6、The suction cups have support cleats that prevent thin objects from being disfigured. 7、DURAFLEX® suction cups manufactured in a specially developed material that features the elasticity of rubber and wear resistance of polyurethane. The material does not leave any marks on the objects handled. 用途/应用领域 汽车:卸垛;车门开/关人体工学工具;玻璃组装与安装;气罐组装与安装 广东PIAB派亚博 FCF35真空吸盘 金属板材搬运吸盘 FCF-P吸盘