周祺宠物国际连锁(集团)有限公司,是由集团下设的上海国际贸易有限公司、平阳周祺宠物用品厂、平阳国际宠物用品市场(筹建中)集产、供销为一体的完整产业结构组成,以其自身的产业优势和"不断创新,拒绝平庸"的经营理念,在短短的三年时间里迅速成为行业里的一颗耀眼新星。并成功打造了"周祺""宠儿""蕾利王国"三个品牌,产业涵盖了宠物用品的开发、制造、销售、宠物美容、宠物培训、技术培训、宠物饲养、营销策划为一体的专业化宠物事业集团。 公司所开发生产的产品囊括了宠物服装、饰品、美容用具、玩具、家具、牵引带等一系列细分化的产品,以满足不同客户的需求。质量为王、**时尚的款式、贴近百姓的价格、以及完善的售后服务体系,产品行销欧洲、美洲、澳洲大陆、亚洲诸多国家,并与当地的贸易伙伴建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系。 2007年,公司以市场为导向,为满足市场需求升级服务体系,正式启动了的宠物事业连锁*计划。以提升中国宠物企业核心竞争力为己仁,从而推动和加快国内宠物企业迈向国际市场的步伐。 "以人为本,不断创新,拒绝平庸" 周祺欢迎你的*! 公司旗下产品:宠物服饰、宠物床、宠物窝、宠物玩具、宠物牵引带、宠物厕所、宠物食品、宠物美容用品、宠物饰品、等。 Zhou Qi pets international chain (Group) Co., Ltd., by the group under the Shanghai International Trade Co., Ltd., Pingyang Zhouqi pet products factory, Pingyang international pet supplies market (construction) set production, supply and marketing for the complete integration industrial group 10% of the industries in their own advantages and "innovative, refused to mediocrity" business philosophy, in a short span of three years, the industry is rapidly becoming a shining star. And successfully created a "Zhou Qi," "Beloved" and "Leili kingdom," the three brands, pet supplies industry covers the development, manufacture, sale, pet grooming and pet training, technical training, feeding pets, marketing planning into a professional Group of pet cause. Company has developed products to include pet clothing, jewelry, beauty appliances, toys, furniture, such as traction with a breakdown of a series of products to meet different customer needs. Quality is king, the leading fashion models, the prices of close to the people, and improve the service system, product marketing Europe, the Americas, Australia, mainland China, many Asian countries, and with the local trade partners established close cooperative partnership. 2007, the company guided by the market, in order to meet market demand service system upgrade, officially launched the pet cause of franchise chain scheme. China pets to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises for its own benevolence, so as to promote and speed up domestic pet business to the international market. . The "people-oriented, innovative, refused to mediocrity," Zhou Qi welcome your joining! Our company has pet clothing, pet beds, pet Waterloo, pet toys, pet traction belt, pet toilets, pet food, pet grooming supplies, pet accessories, etc. --------------------------------------- 公司名称:周祺国际宠物用品连锁* 地址:临区街23号 邮编:325400 联系人:史先生 电子邮件: 电话:(86)0577-83380636 传真:(86)0577-63755595 网址:http://www.zhouspet.cn