的狗粮生产设备厂家,必须具有多年生产经验,销量多,经验丰富。 选择稳定的狗粮加工设备,需要对其机型有所全面的了解。 目前市场上有家用单螺杆狗粮生产设备,商用双螺杆狗粮设备两种。 家用型配置简单,价格便宜一般几千到一万左右,其加工狗粮技术简单,故障率高。容易堵 。 生产的狗粮品质也得不到保证。 一般买过的顾客都比较清楚,清理非常费时费力,膨化熟化度也不好。 该饲料生产线以膨化谷物粉碎之后作为基本原材料,经过挤压膨化熟化成型之后,粉状元材料中的淀粉组织变性糊化,从而更具有均化的效果,更容易被宠物消化吸收而不至于营养成分被部分浪费排除体外。因此用该动物饲料颗粒生产线加工出的宠物食品,较传统非膨化类动物饲料颗粒(如鲜肉类和生谷物类)具有口感佳,营养高,易消化且少的优势。 流程上,该动物饲料颗粒成型设备生产线无噪音、粉尘等严重污染。 操作上,该动物饲料颗粒成型设备生产线占地面积小且操作简便,*多余人工可大程度降低使用者的人工费用成本。 The feed production line takes the crushed expanded grain as the basic raw material. After extrusion, expansion, ripening and molding, the starch tissue in the powdery raw material is denatured and gelatinized, which has a more homogenizing effect and is easier to be digested and absorbed by pets without excluding some nutrients from the body. Therefore, the pet food processed by the animal feed pellet production line has the advantages of good taste, high nutrition, easy digestion and less than the traditional non expanded animal feed pellets (such as fresh meat and raw grains). In the process, the production line of the animal feed pellet forming equipment has no serious pollution such as noise and dust. In terms of operation, the production line of the animal feed pellet forming equipment covers a small area and is easy to operate. There is no need for redundant labor, which can greatly reduce the labor cost of users.
开个狗粮加工厂挣钱吗?很多人对这个问题比较关心,现在养宠物的越来越多,以前是喂剩菜剩饭,现在喂食方便,营养全面的宠物食品膨化粮广受喜爱,人们的生活水平提高,宠物食品占据一部分开销,宠物食品厂应运而生,有些人开始想投资狗粮加工厂,开个宠物食品厂可以从中小型做起,投资少,回本快,利润高,一般一吨狗粮500-10000元利润不等,自己加工可以抓质量。 Do you make money by opening a dog food processing factory? Many people are more concerned about this problem. Now more and more people have pets. In the past, they used to feed leftovers. Now, pet food puffed food with convenient feeding and comprehensive nutrition is widely loved. People's living standards are improved. Pet food accounts for part of the expenses. Pet food factories should be born. Some people begin to want to invest in dog food processing factories, Opening a pet food factory can start from small and medium-sized ones, with less investment, fast cost recovery and high profit. Generally, the profit of 500-10000 yuan per ton of dog food varies. Self processing can pay attention to quality. 公司介绍 济南美腾机械设备有限公司是一家食品机械的研发、设计、制造、销售、工程、服务为一体的生产厂家。自成立以来,从事膨化机械的制造和食品机械的工艺开发,公司产品包括膨化机,膨化食品生产线,麦片生产线,通心粉设备,空心通心粉生产线,紫薯粉生产线,婴儿米粉生产线,方便面生产线,油炸面食生产线,锅巴设备,妙脆角生产线,沙拉条设备,三角片多力多滋生产线,油炸虾条生产线,油炸粟米条生产线,人造肉加工设备,面包糠生产线,膨化玉米粉设备,早餐谷物五谷杂粮生产线,夹心米果生产线,麦烧食品设备,螺旋/贝壳/挤压油炸食品生产线,变性淀粉生产线,薯类淀粉生产线,型煤粘结剂生产线,蒸汽式燕麦片压片机,人造米生产线,犬粮机械设备,犬粮机,狗咬胶生产线,湿法鱼饲料生产线,水产养殖饲料设备等公司凭借行业内人才和精英的优势,并结合自身“务实、进取、以诚为本”的经营理念,以“认真、主动、严格”的做事风格,向用户提供质量好的产品。公司以质量过硬的产品,合理的价位,完善的售后服务,愿真诚与您合作,共创未来。