该产品主要用于建筑物屋面及墙体的保温、隔热;建筑材料的轻质骨料;各种工业设备、管道绝热层;各种深冷、 冷库工程的内壁;农业及园艺的无土栽培、改良土壤,保水保肥等,被广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、建筑、冶金 等行业。 The products are mainly used in building roof and wall insulation, heat insulation, lightweight aggregate materials, kinds of industrial equipment, pipe insulation,various cryogenic, the inner wall of cold storage projects, soilless cultivation, soil improvement, retention of water and fertilizer, etc. Products have been widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, building, metallurgy, etc.