PA66 71G13L价格 送货上门
关 键 词:71G13L价格,PA66
行 业:塑料 通用/工程塑料 工程塑料
晶宏塑胶的宗旨:为客户提品,良好的技术支持,健全的 ;晶宏塑胶竭诚于每一位客户,真诚期待与你合作,共创发展,共赢未来
PA66基本物:PA66至今仍是重要的品种。PA66的熔点、抗张强度、抗弯强度以及硬度都是尼龙家族中的,所以被广泛用于各个领域,随着聚合物-无机纳米复合材料研究的深入。在较高温度也能保持较强的强度和刚度。PA66的熔点:260℃ ;它是一种半晶体-晶体材料。PA66对许多溶剂具有抗溶,但对酸和其它一些氯化剂的抵抗力较弱。 PA66的收缩率在1%~2%之间,加入玻璃纤维添加剂可以将收缩率降低到0.2%-1%。PA66的粘较低,因此流动很好。这个质可以用来加工很薄的元件。它的粘度对温度变化很敏感。在成型后仍然具有吸湿,其程度主要取决于材料的组成、壁厚以及环境条件。在产品设计时,一定要考虑吸湿对几何稳定的影响。
PA66加工的流道和浇口:由于 PA66 的凝固时间很短,因此浇口的位置非常重要。浇口孔径不要小于 0.5*t(这里 t 为塑件厚度)。如果使用热流道,浇口尺寸应比使用常规流道小一些, 因为热流道能够帮助阻止材料过早凝固。如果用潜入式浇口,浇口的小直径应当是0.75。
PA66 process: drying: if the material is sealed before processing, there is no need to dry. However, if the storage container is opened, drying in hot air at 85 ℃ is recoended. If the humidity is higher than 0.2%, vacuum drying at 105 ℃ for 12 hours is required. Melting temperature: 260 ~ 290 ℃. For gss additive products, 275 ~ 280 ℃. The melting temperature should not be higher than 300 ℃.
Our company has been supplying the following nylon models for a long time:
PA66 and PA6 are the main varieties of nylon, oupying an absolute dominant ition. ong the five engineering pstics, PA66 and PA6 he the rgest yield, the most varieties and the most widely used varieties. Nylon 6 is polycaproct, while nylon 66 is polyhexanediine, and nylon 66 is 12% harder than nylon 6; next are nylon 11, nylon 12, nylon 610, nylon 612, and nylon 1010, nylon 46, nylon 7, nylon 9, and nylon 13. New varieties include nylon 6I, nylon 9t and special nylon MXD6 (barrier resin). There are many varieties of nylon modified, such as reinforced nylon, nylon 610 and nylon 612 Monomer casting nylon (MC nylon), reaction injion molding (RIM) nylon, aromatic nylon, tranrent nylon, high impact (super tough) nylon, elropted nylon, conductive nylon, fle retardant nylon, blends and alloys of nylon and other polymers meet different special requirements, and are widely used as substitutes for traditional materials such as metal and wood.
Reted Description: we guarantee the quality of the raw materials, and we also provide technical support within the scope of business! In the ce of the vast number of new and old customers, we do our best to serve you with the best service attitude and the best price adtage. Our ultimate goal is that your satisction is my suess. Welcome to inquire and discuss: contact person of sales department Jiang R