年生产能力达2000万千瓦,现拥有资产4.5亿元,占地面积600余亩。公司位于六安市北郊,省主干道六寿路东侧与312国道紧邻,交利,地域位置十分优越。公司所辖两个分厂,12个生产车间,现有各种金属切削加工设备和精密检测仪器800余台套和10条电机生产自动线,其中Y系列三相异步电动机曾荣获原机电部**产品称号,九六年获部一等品证书,近年来经机械部多次抽查均为一等品。 The company is located in the northern suburb of Lu 'an City, adjacent to National Highway 312 on the east side of Liushou Road, the provincial main road, with convenient transportation and excellent geographical location. Under the jurisdiction of the company, there are two branch factories and 12 production workshops. There are more than 800 sets of various metal cutting and processing equipment and precision testing instruments and 10 automatic motor production lines. Among them, Y series three-phase asynchronous motors have won the title of excellent products of the former Ministry of Machinery and Electricity, and won the first-class product certificate in 1996. In recent years, they have been selected as first-class products by the mechanical department for many times. 18613-2012《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》加施能效标识。中国标准化研究院能效标示管理中心目前已经开始接受按照新标准进行的备 案,我公司已经备案。新备案的分段和之**样,但试验方法由原来的杂耗按照0.5%计算的方法修改为按GB/T 1032中的B法-测量输入-输出功率的损耗分析法。对于之前已经按2006版标准备案过的型号需要进行变更备案,变更备案1段需提供1份测试报。 4、防爆电机购买时要看生产是否配有防爆证。防爆电机主要用于煤矿、石油天然气、石油化工和化学工业。防爆电机的额定电压、额定电流、功率、转速 和普通电机标注的一样,就是防爆电机多了防爆