产品数量:10000 个
关 键 词:防爆自耦减压电磁起动
行 业:
适用范围Application 1区、2区危场所。 IIA、IIB类爆竹性气体环境. Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2one 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA,IIB group explosive atmosphere. 产品特点 Features 型号含义Model implication 外壳为钢板焊接而成. 内装有自耦变压器,交流接触器,时间继电器. 中间继电器,热继电器,电流互感器,转换开关 熔断器,电压表,电流表,指示灯等. 具有过载,短路,失压,断相保护等功能. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079 标准要求. The shell is welded of steel plates. Inside is arranged varitran,AC contactor,time relay,interposiong relay,thermal relay,current transformet,selector,fuse,voltmeter, Ammeter and indicator etc. Steel tube wiring or cable wiring. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 产品型号Type 电机功率(KW)Motor power 额定电流(A)Rated current 自耦变压器容量(KVA)Varitran power 电流互感器比值 CT ratio 防爆标志 E-mark 使用类别 Usage category 防护等级 Protection class CBQ55-14 14 28 14 50/5 Exd II BT4 AC-3 AC-4 IP54 CBQ55-20 20 40 20 75/5 CBQ55-22 22 44 22 CBQ55-28 28 58 28 CBQ55-30 30 60 30 CBQ55-40 40 80 40 100/5 CBQ55-45 45 90 45 150/5 CBQ55-55 55 110 55 CBQ55-75 75 142 75 200/5 CBQ55-100 100 200 100 300/5 CBQ55-115 110 230 110 防腐等级 Corrosion-proof grade 进线口螺纹(G") Inlet’s thread 出线口螺纹(G")Outlet’s thread 电缆外径(Φmm)Cable’s outside diameter WF1 1/2-3 1/2-3 30-50