ICASA:针对出口南非市场的无线通信设备,需要向南非独立通信局(Independent Communications Authority of South Africa,简称ICASA)进行型号认证申请,审核通过才能销售.这也相当于国内的入网型号核准。 认证由以下三个阶段组成: Testing of the performance in accordance with the applicable technical standards 测试的性能要符合适用的技术标准 Testing of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - both emission and immunity measurements EMC测试- EMI和EMS Testing of safety 安全测试 Provisonal Type Approcal- Use of Equipment for Trial, Demonstration or research purpose on non-commercial basis 型式认证前提-试验设备的使用,基于非商业目的示范或研究。