卖家收到亚马逊邮件: The sale of all cellular phone chargers, and laptop computer batteries and chargers on the Amazon website must meet specified certificatio n standards. Note that Amazon may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these standards. To sell these products on Amazon, y ou must apply by submitting the following information to **** @ . Company name Seller/Vendor ID Email address Phone number A list of ASINs you are appying to sell A document confirming that your product was tested according to the standard listed in the fllowing table by a laboratory that is certified to the ILAC ISO 17025 standard: Product Certification Requirement Laptop Battery UL 2054 or UL 1642 Cellular Phone Replacement Battery UL 2054 or UL 1642 Laptop Charger and Power Adapter UL 60950-1 Cellular Phone Wall Charger UL 60950-1 Cellular Phone Car Charger UL 2089 portable source UL 2056 亚马逊网站上所有手机充电器、笔记本电脑电池和充电器的销售必须符合的认证标准。请注意,亚马逊可能会因为没有达到这些标准而取消您的销售特权。在亚马逊销售这些产品,你必须提交以下信息electronic.... 1.公司名称 2卖方/卖方ID 3.电子邮件地址 4.电话号码 5.列表你出售的产品 用文件确认您的产品是根据国际标准ISO 17025实验室,做出来的测试! 美国亚马逊要求标准: FDA注册 儿童玩具CPC认证 CPSIA检测 电子电器UL报告: IT类产品的UL62368 车充UL2089,电池UL2054 UL2056 灯具UL1589 UL588 UL1572 UL1573 UL1574 UL1576 UL153 UL783 家电UL60335 UL664 UL745 UL749 UL499 UL1026 UL982 UL174等 一、UL 982标准介绍 UL 982标准适用于马达驱动式家用食物处理器和厨房配件;如搅拌机,榨汁机等,针对这类产品在使用中可能造成起火,触电及人身事故等危害,特引用UL 982安全标准进行管控 二、测试项目: 1. 泄露电流测试 2. 输入测试测试 3. 温升测试测试 4. 绝缘耐压测试 5. 外壳撞击测试 6. 异常操作测试 7. 电气间隙爬电距离测试 三、认证流程: 1.填写申请表, 2.提供产品的资料, 3.寄样品, 4.测试通过, 5.出UL982报告/认证