文件整理 我们协助贵方终完善初始形式测试报告,FPC文件和相应记录。 呈交报告,将步骤6的文件呈交认证机构。 中正检测股份(西安)有限公司,是合法从事检验、、测试、验货和认证的第三方服务机构, 致力于**商品供应链的质量和审核业务,专注于提供各个行业的质量解决方案,合作于** 多个行业协会与认证机构,并参与制定相关行业标准。 Jiangsu Zhongzheng Testing Co., Ltd. is the lawful exercise of inspection, identification, testing, products inspection and certification third-party service agency. We are committed to quality appraisal, examination and verification business of the global committed supply chain, and concentrate on providing quality solutions in a wide range of industries. We strategically cooperate with many global associations, and participation in formulating relevant standard