整体衣柜展 行业大展 需要的进来看看
关 键 词:整体衣柜展
行 业:展会 活动策划
绿色建筑建材*—国际绿色建筑建材(上海)博览会(简称:绿色建博会),作为的建筑建材贸易展,深耕绿色建筑行业十七年。2021 绿色建博会将顺应行业趋势热点,整合行业资源,板块互通融合,涵盖建筑节能、装配式建筑、室内装饰、养老建筑及适老化装修,展出涉及建筑新能源、保温装饰一体化、内外墙涂料、轻钢房屋、集装箱房屋、装配式装修、绿色建筑供应链平台、别墅电梯、厨房卫浴、暖通新风、养老建筑及适老化装修等四新产品与技术。展会规划6 万平米展览面积,1000 家展商,预计观众**过8 **次。将吸引主管部门、行业协会、项目、房产商、设计院、工程施工单位、装饰装修公司、建材企业、贸易经销商、投融资机构等,通过展览、会议、活动等形式展开多层级对接交流,重构“ 全面提供绿色建筑整体解决方案”行业平台。推动建筑建材业逐步形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。
Asian Green Building Materials weathervane-foshan International Green BuildingMaterials (Shanghai) Expo (abbreviated: Green Building Expo) , as a leading professionalbuilding materials trade show, Deep Green Building Industry for 17 years. The 2021Green Building Expo will conform to industry trends and focus, integrate industry resources,and integrate the five major sectors, covering building energy conservation, prefabricated
building, interior decoration, old-age buildings and age-friendly decoration, theexhibition covers four new products and technologies, including building new energy, heatpreservation and decoration integration, interior and exterior wall paint, light steel houses,container houses, assembled decoration, green building supply chain platform, villaelevator, kitchen bathroom, heating and ventilation, old-age building and aging decoration.
Exhibition planning 60,000 square meters exhibition area, 1,000 exhibitors,professional audience is expected to more than 80,000. It will attract the competentgovernment departments, trade associations, project owners, real estate developers,design institutes, construction and construction units, decoration and decoration companies,building materials enterprises, trade distributors, investment and financinginstitutions, etc. , through exhibitions, conferences, activities and other forms of multi-leveldocking exchange, restructuring "to provide a comprehensive green building overallsolution" industry platform. To promote the building materials industry to gradually form alarge domestic circulation as the main domestic and international double circulation topromote each other's new development pattern
“绿色建筑建材博览会”是目前国内、的绿色建筑展会,展会涵盖了节能、整体家居、室内装饰、木结构,集成房屋,外墙装饰、硅藻泥、厨房卫浴,建材设备、门窗幕墙、墙体材料、建筑涂料、别墅配套、木业,泳池、空气净化、建筑节电、智能家居等内容, 10万平米展出面积,参展企业达到1200家,观众100000人次。了当今世界代表性的绿色建筑建材,如可耐福、欧文斯科宁、堡密特、亨斯迈、洛科威、北新、斯米克、新中源、新高盛、加拿大木业、日本木材中心、PPG、、书香门地、安信、万华、瑞利特、古猿人、皇氏、亚士、盈创、大象、威能、热丽、曼瑞德、正圆等,充分展示了绿色建筑建材的,为业界的成员聚会。
区域 标准 光地租赁 备注
区 15800元(9m2) 1580元/m2 1、双开口加收10%元;
国际A区 13800元(9m2) 1380元/m2
大数据技术驱动下,如何展现在线化、数字化、精准化的房地产行业采购新形态,论坛邀请地产采购、地产开发商采购总/采购经理、行业头部地产供应商、建材细分行业头部企业,探讨如何开发地产工程市场,共话地产采购新趋势。2021 China Real Estate "Internet +" Procurement and DevelopmentForumDriven by big data technology, how to show online, digital and precision of the real estate industry purchasing new form, BBS invited property purchasing senior experts,real estate developers supplier sourcing/purchasing manager, real estate industry head, building materials industry segment head enterprises, discusses how to develop
real estate projects in the market, plan for real estate purchase new trend.