地址:广西壮族自治区北海合浦县北海市 北海市合浦工业园区
Since 2016, BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD has made a breakthrough progress in the development of equipment. Due to domestic equipment and technology are relatively backward, especially in the treatment of grease technology, the original domestic equipment process could only do 23-32% of the oil content at most. After tireless efforts, BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA's new technology and new equipment can skimmed grease to less than 12%, whose machine has become the leading brand of the industry, winning the trust of more and more customers. With the company's continuous investment in software and hardware, the BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA brand has become one of the well-known brands in the domestic and foreign industries.The company introduced the European ATLAS advanced production technology, coupled with professional and technical R&D team many years of practical experience in the field, successfully developed a series of various specifications and processing capacity of equipment for fishmeal and fish oil, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, etc. The equipment has a capacity ranging from 80 tons to 600 tons per 24 hours. A series of production line equipment such as Cooker, Press, Dryer, Cooler, Evaporator, have the best performance, quality, and stability in the industry.自2016以来,北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司在设备的研制上取得突破进展。在之前,由于国产设备及工艺均比较落后,特别是在处理油脂的工艺上较国外产品有较大差距。原国内设备工艺在处理油脂时,多只能做到23-32%的油脂含量。而经过孜孜不倦的努力,北海新宏恒达公司的新工艺新设备均能脱脂到12%以下,成为国内鱼粉设备*树一帜的品牌,赢得了更多的客户和市场。随着公司在软件硬件上的不断投入,新宏恒达品牌已经成为国内外行业内的**品牌之一。BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. is a company with more than 20 years of experience, specializing in the rendering industry, and is a professional manufacturer of processing equipment for fishmeal and fish oil, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, etc. BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA has developed and provided a series of various specifications and processing capacity of equipment to meet the different needs of customers. Besides, BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA has over the years committed to improve the quality of equipment, whose products have been long at the forefront of the industry in terms of quality and performance.本项目将外购原材料运至厂区,放入原材料库冻库暂存。然后通过绞龙,将原料运送至蒸煮工序。蒸煮温度**过95℃,原料经加热后得到充分煮熟、以及杀菌后,煮熟的原料进入压榨机。压榨机将充分煮熟的原料分离成固体和液体两部分。The raw materials (usually fish) will be purchased to the factory, then/or put into the freezer warehouse before being sent to the Cooker then Press. Cooking temperature is more than 95 ℃, and after heating raw materials to be fully cooked, as well as sterilization, cooked raw materials will go into the press. The press separates the fully cooked raw materials into two parts, solid and liquid.其中的固体大约含有30%的水分,被送往干燥机进行烘干,烘干后的粉末经冷却后可直接打包成为鱼粉成品。