科学软件网是一个以引进国外科研软件,提供全方位软件服务的营业网站,网站由北京天演融智软件有限公司创办,旨在为国内高校、科研院所和以研发为主的企业事业单位提供的科研软件及相关软件服务。截止目前,科学软件网已获得数百家国际知名软件公司正式授权,代理销售科研软件达一千余种,软件涵盖领域包括经管,仿真,地球地理,生物化学,工程科学,排版及网络管理等。同时,还提供专业培训、课程(包含34款软件,66门课程)、实验室解决方案和项目咨询等服务。AquaChem应用. 分析和报告城市地下水补给井的水地球化学. 报告污染地点样本分析的实验室结果. 管理卫生填埋场的水质数据.确定矿化勘探的矿化趋势.分析、解释和绘制水质数据. 确定和报告水质指标超标. 通过化学超标和趋势分析报告来证明合规性功能特征轻松的数据管理和QA/QC. 轻松地从各种文件类型中导入数据(.txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .mdb, and .accdb)和文件格式(比如行, 列,每个行分析值,PHREEQC输出). 导出站点、分析数据和地球化学图的各种文件格式,包括Windows Metafile (.wmf)、ESRI Shapefile (.shp)、MODFLOW模拟浓度观测井数据、谷歌地球(. kml)。. 创建从简单到复杂的数据查询并轻松提取有关水质数据的重要信息。. 了解水样分析的可靠性,各种自动QA/QC检查包括重复、离群和持有时间分析、方法检测极限、可靠性检查和总/溶解比较。交互式地球化学图AquaChem能够产生以下地球化学图:. 相关分析图:Scatter, Ludwig-Langelier, Wilcox, Depth Profile. 概要图:Box and Whisker, Frequency Histogram, Quantile, Detection Summary, Meteoric Water Line, Stacked Bars. 多参数图:Piper, Durov, Ternary, Schoeller. 时间序列图. 地温图和 Giggenbach图. 概率图. 单样本图:径向图, Stiff图 和饼图. 主题类图:样品位置的气泡图, 饼图, 径向图和Stiff图AquaChem允许为同一个数据集创建多个图,并同时查看这些图。所有的图都是交互式的,这意味着当你点击一个数据点时,它对应的样本会在样本列表中高亮显示。这对于识别离群值非常有用。Effortless Data Management & QA/QCEasily import data from various file types (.txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .mdb, and .accdb) and file formats (samples as rows, samples as columns, one analyzed value for each row, PHREEQC output)Export stations, analysis data and geochemical plots to various file formats including Windows Metafile (.wmf), ESRI Shapefile (.shp), concentration observation well data for MODFLOW simuilations, Google Earth (.KML).Create simple to complex data queries and easily extract vital information about your water quality dataGain insight into the reliability of your water sample analysis with various automatic QA/QC checks including Duplicate, Outlier and Holding Time Analysis, Method Detection Limit, Reliability Checks and Total/Dissolved Comparison.AquaChem允许为同一个数据集创建多个图,并同时查看这些图。所有的图都是交互式的,这意味着当你点击一个数据点时,它对应的样本会在样本列表中高亮显示。这对于识别离群值非常有用。水质数据分析AquaChem有一个综合计算器和转换器,可以让您对水质数据进行快速、即时的分析。AquaChem能够进行以下计算和转换:. 水的类型 . 钠吸附比. 阴离子总数 . 镁风险. 阳离子总数 . 氧饱和度. 总溶解浓度 . 离子平衡. 相对硬度 . 公共离子比. 含碱量 . 标度指标,如Langlelier指数、Ryznar稳定性指数、Puckorius标度指数和Larson指数水质统计AquaChem包括了一个综合的统计特征列表,优化了你的水质数据。统计特性包括:趋势分析 趋势分析估计水数据中可能存在正或负的趋势。以下趋势测试被支持:Mann Kendall,Seasonal Mann Kendall, Sens测试,线性回归,斯皮尔曼等级相关级相关离群测试 离群测试识别数据中的异常值——相对于其他数据来说,测量值非常大或小。支持下列离群测试:极值测试、不整合测试、Rosner测试、Walsh测试概要统计 计算一组水样的基本统计数据的自动报告。统计数据包括小值、大值、范围、四分位范围、算术平均值、标准差、非参数分位数、置信区间、偏态、峰态等。统计分析可以同时运行多个样本和参数,结果可以很容易地绘制并导出成常用文件类型(.xls, .csv和.mdb)。Outlier and Holding Time Analysis, Method Detection Limit, Reliability Checks and Total/Dissolved Comparison.Interactive GeoChemical PlotsAquaChem is capable of generating the following geochemical plots:Correlation plots: Scatter, Ludwig-Langelier, Wilcox, Depth ProfileSummary plots: Box and Whisker, Frequency Histogram, Quantile, Detection Summary, Meteoric Water Line, Stacked BarsMultiple parameter plots: Piper, Durov, Ternary, SchoellerTime-series plotsGeothermometer and Giggenbach plotProbability plotsSingle sample plots: Radial, Stiff, and PieThematic Map plots: Bubble, Pie, Radial and Stiff plots at sample locationsAquaChem allows you to create multiple plots for the same dataset and view these plots simultaneously side-by-side. All plots are interactive which means when you click on a data point, its corresponding sample is highlighted in the sample list. This is useful for identifying outliers.水质数据分析AquaChem有一个综合计算器和转换器,可以让您对水质数据进行快速、即时的分析。AquaChem能够进行以下计算和转换:. 水的类型 . 钠吸附比. 阴离子总数 . 镁风险. 阳离子总数 . 氧饱和度. 总溶解浓度 . 离子平衡. 相对硬度 . 公共离子比. 含碱量 . 标度指标,如Langlelier指数、Ryznar稳定性指数、Puckorius标度指数和Larson指数Easily import data from various file types (.txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .mdb, and .accdb) and formats (samples as rows, samples as columns, one analyzed value for each row).Export stations, analysis data and geochemical plots to various file formats including MS-Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx), text files (.txt, .asc), MS-Access databases (mdb, .accdb), and customizable print-ready Excel and PowerPoint templates (.xlsx, .pptx)Define sets of samples and sampling locations based on static lists (such as locations at a given site, watershed, or regulatory status) or dynamic criteria such as exceedances or sample collection time horizons so that you can easily and quickly generate periodic reports and drill down to the specific information that you needData management workflows include data quality checks ensuring users have completed/included required information and that it meets specifiedImport and manage Water Quality Standards in your project so that you can track project-specific regulatory requirements. Exceedances are automatically color-coded for quick reference.科学软件网不定期举办各类公益培训和讲座,让您有更多机会免费学习和熟悉软件。