由于亚马逊销售的玩具产品必须要符合 消费品安全协会(CPSC),那CPC认证必须要有CPSC授权的实验室去做的!在做这个CPC认证前,建议卖家要确认检测公司是否有这个CPSC授权,这个很重要! Amazon Dec 28, 2020 11:00 PM Dear Team,Greetings from Amazon.com. It has come to the attention of our Product Safety department that a concern has been lodged regarding a product sold by you. I am writing as part of an internal investigation to address our mutual customer’s concerns regarding that product, and help to bring about a satisfactory resolution for them. The complaint is regarding – Candle Making Kit DIY 24 Pack Candle Tins 2.5 Oz Candy Case Container Candle Jars and the customer comment is as follows: “The candle making product caused the fire. The candle tin burned a black whole into the table.”. The following have been suppressed: Product Safety asks that you please respond to the above concern by taking the following steps: 1. MOST IMPORTANT: Submit all relevant safety testing data and certification for the item. We ask you include testing specifically relating to the incident in question. Please refer to the attached word document of “Product Compliance Guidelines” if you have any questions. PLEASE NOTE: An MSDS does not suffice for safety testing. 2. If you have questions about the appropriate standards for the product, please consult with the laboratory directly. 3. Complete the attached Product Safety Questionnaire. The questionnaire is geared towards addressing the safety concern that the customer has brought up. Please reach out to the manufacturer of the product for the details you might not have. 4. Provide images of the product (front, back, accessories, and packaging). Images should include: model/serial number, safety/compliance marks & logos and safety labels & warnings on the product or packaging. Please also attach a copy of the instruction manual. Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. We look forward to resolving this to our mutual customer’s satisfaction. Please note: While we investigate, product will remain unavailable for purchase from our website. If the above documentat 亚马逊儿童产品certificateCPC认证办理流程: 1.填写申请表, 2.提供产品的资料, 3.寄样品, 4.测试OK, 5.出报告/certificate。 周期:7个工作日 费用:根据实际情况评估! 亚马逊对玩具产品必须符合这个CPC认证要求!多商家不懂这个是什么东西!导致大量的玩具产品下架,损失惨重!能不能把握赚钱的机会,就看您的准备是否充足了!切记不要抱有任何的侥幸心理! CPSIA内容概述: 2008年8月14日生效*I章-儿童产品安全 儿童产品含铅,油漆含铅条例(101节) 某些儿童产品需强制通过第三方测试(102节) 儿童产品追踪标签(103节) 耐用婴儿产品标准及消费者登记(104节) .玩具和游戏广告的标签要求(105节) .强制玩具安全标准(106节) 部分儿童产品有关的预防伤害和致死研究(107节) 禁止出售某些含有*的邻苯二甲酸盐的产品(108节) Sec.102强制第三方检测 联邦法律要求制造商和进口商测试诸多消费产品以证明符合消费品 安全要求。 -基于符合的测试结果,制造商或进口商必须通过书面或电子certificate的 形式证明消费品符合适用的消费品安全要求。 必须伴随产品或运输,并且必须向零售商,分销商以及**提 供副本。 ü这里说的消费产品包括儿童和非儿童产品(普通产品)。 儿童产品测试: A,儿童产品,必须符合相关的规则和安全条例,并进行强制第三方检测 B,检测必须在CPSC认可的实验室进行 C,基于第三方测试结果,制造商或进口商签发CPCcertificate,也可由第三方实验室协助签发 D,儿童产品必须符合所有的适用规则或条例