EPS消防应急电源的工作原理是什么样的?EPS消防应急电源的工作原理是什么样的?EPS emergency power supply works is what? EPS应急电源采用单体逆变技术,集充电器、蓄电池、逆变器及控制器于一体。系统内部设计了电池检测、分路检测回路,其他主要部件的工作原理如图所示,智能化应急电源,采用后备式运行方式。EPS emergency power supply with single inverter technology, set charger, battery, inverter and controller in one. Internal design of the battery testing system, shunt detection circuit, the other major component works as shown, intelligent emergency power supply, the use of back-up run.(1)当市电正常时,由市电经过互投装置给重要负载供电,同时进行市电检测及蓄电池充电管理,然后再由电池组向逆变器提供直流能源。在这里,充电器是一个仅需向蓄电池组提供相当于10%蓄电池组容量(Ah)的充电电流的小功率直流电源,它并不具备直接向逆变器提供直流电源的能力。此时,市电经由EPS的交流旁路和转换开关所组成的供电系统向用户的各种应急负载供电。与此同时,在EPS的逻辑控制板的调控下,逆变器停止工作处于自动关机状态。在此条件下,用户负载实际使用的电源是来自电网的市电,因此,EPS应急电源也是通常说的一直工作在睡眠状态,可以有效的达到节能的效果。(1) When the mains is normal, the municipal electric device after each vote to the critical load power mains detection and simultaneous battery charging management, and then to the inverter from the battery pack to provide DC power. Here, the charger to the battery pack is provided a distance of 10% battery capacity (Ah) of the charging current of the small-power DC power supply, it does not have direct provide DC power to the inverter capacity. In this case, the exchange of electricity via EPS bypass and switch the power supply system consisting of the user's various emergency loads. At the same time, the logic of the EPS under the control panel, the inverter stops working in automatic shutdown state. In this condition, the user loads the actual use of power is electricity from the grid, thus, EPS emergency power supply is often said that has been working in the sleep state, can effectively achieve the energy saving effect. (2)当市电供电中断或市电电压**限(±15%或±20%额定输入电压)时,互投装置将立即投切至逆变器供电,在电池组所提供的直流能源的支持下,此时,用户负载所使用的电源是通过EPS的逆变器转换的交流电源,而不是来自市电。(2) when the mains power supply is interrupted or mains voltage gauge (± 15% or ± 20% rated input voltage) when each switch device will immediately switching to the inverter, the battery pack provided by the DC energy support, at this time, the user load power used by the EPS inverter to convert AC power, rather than from the mains. (3)当市电电压恢复正常工作时,EPS的控制中心发出信号对逆变器执行自动关机操作, 同时还通过它的转换开关执行从逆变器供电向交流旁路供电的切换操作。此后,EPS在经交流旁路供电通路向负载提供市电的同时,还通过充电器向电池组充电。(3) When the mains voltage returns to normal operation, EPS control center sends **s to the inverter perform automatic shutdown, but also through its switch execution from the inverter to the AC bypass switch operation. Thereafter, EPS in the bypass passage through AC mains to the load, it is also through the charger to charge the battery pack. (4)除用于应急照明系统外,其中三相智能化变频应急电源主要是为一级负荷中的电动机提供一种可变频的应急电源系统,该产品方便解决了电动机的应急供电及其启动过程中对供电设备的冲击影响。智能化应急电源可接受消防联动信号、建筑智能总线信号控制,并可设定**级,防止越级控制。(4) Except for the emergency lighting systems, intelligent three-phase inverter which is mainly for an emergency power load of the motor to provide an emergency power system frequency, the product easy to solve the emergency power supply and motor start process of the power supply equipment shocks. Intelligent emergency power acceptable fire linkage **s, building intelligent bus ** control, and set priorities to prevent leapfrog control.单相/三相/三进单出 可根据实际要求 图纸定制生产;瑞祺能源,值得您信赖;厂家直供消防EPS应急电源、消防巡检柜系列等产品。EPS-1KVA /90分钟 为消防验收标准尺寸:1000*500*350电压:输入220V (380V) 输出220v回路:3个回路 按需可增加本产品是主机价格 电池另购买特点 ◆全智能在线式,CPU微核芯片控制; ◆**弦波输出,确保马达绝无损害; ◆输入频率50HZ/60HZ自动识别; ◆**宽市电范围适应,关机智能充电; ◆低功耗,逆变效率高达95%以上; ◆逆变10分钟自动关机省电设计; ◆内置大容量免维护铅酸蓄电池, ◆可连续启动卷闸门18-20次 ◆完善的过载,欠压,短路,过充等保护功能. ◆遥控操作,挂墙式安装,体积小,重量轻。 ◆保修三年,内容包括:主板保修三年,电池保修一年。 温馨提示本产品为卷帘门电源,不带USB充电插口,图片仅供参考。 产品原理 SKEPS系列单相EPS应急电源,是为建筑物内紧急疏散照明或重要用电设备提供集中供电的应电电源设备。 当市电正常时,由市电经过互投装置给负载供电,同时充电器给备用电池进行智能充电。当市电断电,或**过正常电压的20%时,由控制器提供逆变信号,启动逆变电源,同时互投装置将立即投切至逆变电源输出,继续提供正弦波交流电,当市电电压正常后,应急电源将自动恢复电网供电。产品特点1、采用集中模式、*特殊灯具;2、双路电源自动切换,可靠性高;3、寿合长,主机寿命20年以上;4、采用CPU控制,保证各动作点准确;5、LED显示和声音告警,工作状态一目了然;6、具有过压、欠压、过温、过流、短路等保护功能;7、智能电池充电管理功能,可实现均浮充自动转换,有效延长电池寿命;8、自动监控电池工作状态,具有电池充放自动保护;9、模块化结构设计,维护方便。