可以使用USB闪存盘复制花样; Capable of copying pattem from USB-disk. 通过花样管理功能,能非常方便地对花样文件进行复制及删除; It's convenient to copy or delete patterm files by pattem management function. 具有花样浏览功能,能自动识别多种花样格式,并可对花样图形进行旋转及镜像; It is able to recognize patterms of variety forms with the function of pattem viewing. Pattems can be rotated and mirrored. 计件及清零复位功能,工作统计功能; Functions of pieces counting and resetting to zero are supplied 因缝针距可以特殊处理,并可改变固缝长度; Overlap stitch distance can be treated speciallyan,and the stitch length can be adjusted. 花样轨迹寻找功能,用来快速定位到花祥图形中的某一点上开始绗缝; Trace seeking function makes needle quickly located in its position. 实时显示绗缝状态及提示操作方法; Display quilting status at any time and prompt operation. 提供绗缝、暂停、空进、空退、穿线等按钮; Offer press buttons like quilting, pause, forward, backward and needle threading etc. 通过设置及修改功能,可方便的进行绷框界限设定及修改; It is convenient to define and adjust frame range with setting and modifying functions 机头机座采用液压式集中供油装置,使用简便可靠; Use hydro-oiling concentrative sets for supplying oil to machine head and pedestal. It's conve- nient, brief and very credible. 单头、单针、双线锁式线迹,大旋梭; Single head, single needle, double lock zigzag, big rotating shuttle. 机器实际功耗低于1千瓦; Actual power consumption of machine is less than 1KW. 停机时机针自动停止在高位,断线检测功能,断面线时自动停机; Needle stays at high position at pause time,machine stops working automatically while needle thread is broken 系统测试功能,能够迅速检测机器的工作状态,用于维修; It is effective to detect the machine working status for repairing by system testing. 主轴故障检测功能,能有效避免主轴故障造成的拉破床被现象; Main shaft self-detecting protects quilts from broken by main shaft failure. 具有越界等保护功能; Motor power will be cut off when steel frame exceeds limit range. 提供自动及人工两种回归原点模式,能避免不必要的停机。 Return to original point automatically or manually. it will reduce unnecessary stop.