产品数量:1000 个
关 键 词:USB接口,即插即用免驱动,支持13.56MHZ非接触式智能IC卡UID号读卡器
ACR1281U-C2读卡器是一款USB接口、即插即用免驱动,支持13.56MHZ非接触式智能IC卡UID号读卡器,支持任何ISO 14443部1-4类和B类标准的非接触式卡的唯一标识号(UID)的自动读取。ACR1281U-C2读卡器可自动读取如的Mifare或DESFIRE的UID号,并自动将的UID号返回到PC机端。广泛应用于身份识别、门禁、考勤、通道管理等领域。它也有一个防冲突特性,可确保只有一个卡时多张卡在任何给定的时间呈现访问。 使用ACR1281U-C2读卡器,非常方便解决SO 14443 A类&B卡在其应用程序兼容性的应用。符合标准的USB 类键盘输出,ACR1281U-C2能够支持大多数的操作系统,包括Microsoft Windows,Linux和其他嵌入式系统。 典型应用 电子政务 电子银行和电子支付 电子医疗保健 网络安全 访问控制 门禁考勤 UID Output Pattern Configure Command to configure: E0 00 00 40 02 AB XX Parameter Detail: A – Read Mode Configure = 1xxxb -> Reserved = 00x0b -> No CapsLock before and after output = 00x1b -> CapsLock before and after output = 000xb -> Only Support 4 bytes UID = 001xb -> Support 4, 7, 10 bytes UID B – Output Format = 0000b -> Hex Bytes = 0001b -> Dec Bytes = 0010b -> Dec Word XX – Output Format = 00h -> ascending order (UID Byte 0, UID Byte 1 … UID Byte N) = 01h -> descending order (UID Byte N, UID Byte N-1 … UID Byte 0) Character insert between each UID bytes and after the output Configure Command to configure: E0 00 00 41 02 YY ZZ Parameter Detail: YY - the character between each UID = FFh mean no character between or = other character table refer to "HID Usage Table.pdf" p53 - p59 ZZ - the character end of output = FFh mean no character follow or = character table refer to "HID Usage Table.pdf" Example Example 1: Set the output as Hex Bytes, support 4,7,10 bytes UID, with no CapsLock before, ascending order "Spacing" between UID, "Enter" later all the UID A = 0010b B = 0000b XX = 00h