BOHLER FOX NIBAS 70/20 Stick electrode Classifications nickel-based EN|SO14172 AWS A5.11 E Ni 6082(NiCr 20Mn3Nb) ENiCrFe-3(mod. Characteristics and field of use Core wire alloyed special stick electrode corresponding to AWS ENiCrFe-3 with special basic coating for high-quality welding of nickel-based alloys, creep resistant and highly creep resistant steels, he at-resistant and cryogenic materials and also for low-alloy hard -to-weld steels and dissimilar joints Also for ferrite-austenite joints at operating temperatures 2 300 c or heat treatments Suitable for pressure vessel construction for -196C to +650C, otherwise with scaling resistance up to +1200oC (sulphur-free atmosphere) Does not tend to embrittlement, high resistance to hot cracking, in additi on to which the C-diffusion at high temperatures or during heat treatment of dissimilar joints is largely inhibited. Resistant to thermal shock, stainless, fully austenitic. Low expansion coefficient between C-steel and austenitic Cr-Ni-(Mo) steel. Exceptional welding properties in all positions except for ver tical down, good slag detachability, high resistance to porosity, notch-free weld seams, high degree of purity. The electrode and the weld metal meet the highest quality requirements Base materials 2.4816 NiCr 15Fe, 2. 4817 LC-NiCr15Fe Nickel and nickel alloys, low-temperature steels up to X8Ni9, high-alloyed Cr and CrNiMo steels, particularly for dissimilar joints, and their joints to unallo yed, low-alloy, creep resistant and highly creep resistant steels. Also suitable for Alloy 800 Typical analysis of all-weld metal (Wt-%) 153 C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Ti Nb Co Fe 0025 04 50 19.0 1.5 22<=0830 Mechanical properties of all-weld metal Heat Tensile streng力 Elongation Impact values Treatment02% strength(L-5d in J CVN MPa +20°C 196° untreated 420 680 120 Operating data olarity Dimensions(mm) Amperage a 25X300 4070 32×300 70-105 40×350 90-125 50X400 120-160 Approvals and certificates TUV(04697), Statoil, LTSS, SEPROZ, CE, NAKS(FOX NiCr 70 Nb: TUV(00889 ) KTA 1408.1 (08039) Similar alloy filler metals NIBAS 70/20-/G NIBAS 70/20-G TIG rod Solid wire electrode NiCr 70 Nb-IGA NiCr70 Nb-GA Flux cored wire NIBAS 70/20-FD Wire/flux combination: NIBAS 70/20-UP/BB 444 Filler Metals Bestseller for Joining Applications