FT-104B系列休止角测定仪 一.定义Definition: 休止角是指粉体堆积层的自由斜面在静止的平衡状态下,与水平面所形成的角 二.工作原理principle: 休止角常用的方法是固定圆锥法(亦称残留圆锥法)。固定圆锥法将粉体注入到某一有限直径的圆盘中心上,直到粉体堆积层斜边的物料沿圆盘边缘自动流出为止,停止注入,测定休止角。 三.特点Characteristics: 测试粉末和颗粒通过漏斗的时间和形成的角度,测试前先进行预堆积,从而确定样品量,将已知质量粉末从漏斗流出而形成的堆积角,以及流出所需要的时间;可以获得休止角和流速数据。 粉体的休止角 angle of repose of powder < 30o 30o~45o 45o~60o 60o~90o 流动性表示 Flow performance 良好 better 较好 good 较差 worse 差 poor 用休止角评价粉体的流动性能,只能表示流动性的好坏,或者用于比较同种粉体因水分和粒度等引起的流动性差别。 With the Angle of repose evaluation flow properties of powders, can only say the stand or fall of liquidity, or used to compare the same powder liquidity difference caused by moisture and particle size, etc. 依据GB11986-89《表面活性剂 粉体和颗粒休止角的测定》规定设计制作 It was designed and manufacured According to GB11986-89 "determination of surfactant powder and particle angle of repose " ISO4324-1977要求;粉体和颗粒休止角的测定, ISO4324-1977 requirement; The determination of the Angle of repose t for powder and particle 也适用于USP(美国药典)、BP (英国药典)和EP(欧洲药典)的规范要求参照标准:DIN ISO 4324 - December 1983 一般休止角在30°左右好 It also Applies to USP (the United States pharmacopoeia), BP (British pharmacopoeia) and EP (European pharmacopoeia) specification requirements of the reference standard: DIN, ISO 4324 - December 1983. General at around 30 ° to the Angle of the best 四.适用范围scope of application: 广泛用于制药、工业化学、洗涤、科研院校、质检机构等等相关粉末粉体及颗粒材料之检测;可以提供粉体储藏性质的变化,特别是在料仓中储存情况等。 They are widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical industry, washing, scientific research institutions, quality inspection institutions, and so on related detection of powder and granular materials;Changes in the properties of the powders can be provided, especially in the silo Storage conditions etc. 五.型号及技术参数Model and technical parameters: 功能项目 functional item FT-104B FT-104B2 1.透明 圆盘Transparent Disc: 直径diameter 100mm 2. 漏斗尺寸 :Funnel Dimension : 约外径155mm内径145mm outer diameter 155mm, inner diameter 145mm. 漏斗数量 funnel numbers 1个测试漏斗 1pcs testing funnel 2个(进料漏斗和测试漏斗各1个) 2pcs (each one feed funnel and test funnel) 搅拌装置 stirring apparatus 有 include 无 Not include 高度刻度 height scale 基板起带有0-100mm的刻度尺用于测量锥体高度the base plate is provided with a scale of 0-100mm to measure the height of the cone. 6.