产品数量:10000 个
关 键 词:焖烧锅
行 业:
* 利用余热烹调食物,煮沸的食物放进焖烧锅内6小时后仍可保持 80℃以上的温度,而无需消耗能源,安全环保; * 小巧便于携带,居家外出皆适宜; * Cook food automatically using the heat accumulated inside. * Economy, time saving, energy saving 80%. * Portable, Great for picnics, boating, camping and gathering. 详细介绍 FEATURE * 保温壳体采用双重锅身设计,内外壳均为优质塑料,中间灌泡优质隔热材料PU,保温性能优越。 The Thermo Cooker consists of an outer pot and s/s inner pot. Outer pot gauge: high efficient insulation material PU sandwiches between plastic exterior and interior of outer pot. 备注:根据客户需要,可选配置单底或复底的304不锈钢内锅。 REMARKS:Single-layer or sandwich bottom of the 18/8 s/s inner pot varies for different demands of customer. * 使用方法 COOKING METHOD: ①将食物放进不锈钢内锅,置于火炉上煮沸后继续小火煮5分钟; Put the food inside the inner pot, heat to boil for five minutes. ②将内锅移入焖烧锅外锅中,盖上内外锅盖,让食物在隔热的锅中继续利用余热焖烧。 Put inner pot inside the outer pot, close the cover and then the food keeps cooking automatically using the heat accumulated inside. *焖烧烹调时间根据所烹饪的食物而定 Cooking time for different foods may vary. 焖烧过程无需看管 No further attention is needed。* ③焖烧调理结束后,即可享用美食。 Unlock and serve. * 保温保冷FUNCTION OF COLD KEEPING: 长时间保温保冷,小巧玲珑,方便携带,可用作便当盒也可用于冷冻食品, 如同冰桶的作用。 * 健康煮食HEALTHY COOKING: 明火或电热煮食均会因蒸汽的挥发及过热而造成食物营养流失。 焖烧锅的合理设计使热能发挥最大效用而不损害食物的营养,保持食物原汁原味。 Due to the shorter naked fireheating time, the food inside can be hardly over cooked or rotten. It preserves the full flavor and nutrients of the food. * 型号 ITEM: YXM-20B(内钢外塑的外锅配单底不锈钢内锅+塑料菜碟) * 容量 CAPACITY:2L