管道镁阳极的使用 国标镁阳极其特点是:密度小(1.8g/cm3镁合金左右),强度高,弹性模量大,散热好,消震性好,承受冲击载荷能力比铝合金大,耐**物和碱的腐蚀性能好。阳极要求编辑1,电位足够负,但不要太负,以免阴极区发生析氢反应;2,阳极的较化率要小,电位较电流输出要稳定;3,阳极材料的电容量要大;4,一定要有高的电流效率;5,溶解均匀。容易脱落;6,材料价位不高廉,来源充分。7,发生的腐蚀产物应是无毒无害,不污染环境,**之虞。进一步增大接地电阻,使阳极输出电流进一步减小。此刻,阳极的开路电位或在通电点处测量管道电位,较小的概率没有明显变化。 镁阳极的均匀电流输出不会受到干扰主要是因为他的阳极较化比较小,铁、同和镍杂质成分增加了阳极的局部腐蚀,这样就减少了他的寿命,镁阳极主要用在电阻率土壤P≤100Ωm的地下装置中,带状的镁阳极用在P≤150Ωm的范围内。海水里镁阳极的大输出可以达到1A。镁阳极的阴极保护电流输出给电阻率有关系,优点是:阴极保护的铁面比较,电位差大,缺点:表面不光滑,镁阳极不安全不能放在易爆的地方,效率jin仅约50%。国外还研制乐然埋地装置的高电流镁阳极,杂质比较低,寿命比较长。电位更低约-0.1 V。通过加入钠使合金成分得到类似效果。 The national magnesium anode has the characteristics of small density ( about 1.8g / cm3 magnesium alloy ), high strength, large modulus of elasticity, good heat dissipation, good shock resistance, greater ability to bear impact load than aluminum alloy, and good corrosion resistance to organic substances and alkali. Anode requires editing 1, the potential is negative enough, but not too negative, so as to avoid hydrogen evolution reaction in cathode region. 2. the polarization rate of the anode should be small and the output of potential electrode current should be stable. 3. the capacitance of anode material should be large; 4, must have high current efficiency; 5, uniform dissolution. Easy to fall off; 6, the material price is not high and inexpensive, and the source is sufficient. 7. the corrosion products should be non-toxic and harmless, do not pollute the environment, and are in danger of pollution - free. The grounding resistance is further increased to further reduce the anode output current. At this moment, the open circuit potential of the anode or the pipeline potential measured at the power-on point has no obvious change in the extremely small probability. 公司的交易方法和服务 交易方式:现金、支付宝、快递/物流收款、分期付款、月度结算等。让买家可以放心订购。 此外,该公司库存产品的规格和数量将继续变化,顾客在订购时可能无法获得足够的库存供应,但我们将快速配送货物,以便顾客可以放心。 此外,特殊规格的材料可以根据客户的需求定制! 1193178453